Happy Sunday Everyone:
In Tahoe finishing up the 50th celebration. I need to check in to a health spa for a month, not even joking. Friday, we cruised over to the Hyatt for lunch/gambling/drinks. When it was over we realized Ubers don’t go there for whatever reason. Majority of my friends hopped on TART (local bus), to take them back to our place. I decided public transportation wasn’t my thing that day, so Sam (my buddy) and Kim (my wife) stayed back. We grabbed another drink and tried one last time to connect with an uber. Sam got one.
We’re waiting out front, Uber shows up, I hop in the front. Driver was cool. Mid 40’s, double loop earrings, kind of looks like a rockstar, we start talking and I look down and realize he has a prosthetic left leg. I asked him what happened he said, “i don’t have one, i have two”. He goes on to tell us he’s a diabetic and had to have both legs amputated in 2021 and 2022. This guy’s attitude about the whole thing was mind boggling. We’re talking about everything. What it was like, was he depressed? how did he handle the transition? He goes on to tell us his two favorite things in the world are drumming, and golf. He’s telling us his golf game is better because he has to swing with more control. He’s telling us how his buddies in his band were awesome and patient with him while he navigated playing without his legs. We talked about his nerve ending, and how it all comes together to allow him to continue to live life as normal as before. Sam, Kim, and I are in love with this guy. We’re laughing, talking about everything, his attitude on life was infectious. One my favorite quotes is Inky Johnson’s “Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place”, he was the soul of that car.
Kim and I have a thing where we tip big when a server is ridiculously good, always in cash, we always leave before they see it with a note about what they did to deserve it, its super fun. We did this with Collin. Zero to do with feeling sorry for him, 100% to do with being inspired by him. He gave me his card for future use and to stay in contact. I texted him my contact info with a little note. I attached our communication here. Excuse the F-bomb, i wasn’t planning on sending it to all of you. I’m not sending it to brag about a tip, I’m sending it because its proof how quickly you can impact, and be impacted, by good people. So many opportunities to meet special people in this world but it requires engagement.
Have a great rest of your Sunday!