Our relevance is going to change based on where we are in our life cycle, not go away, but change.
by Hunter Marckwardt
Our relevance is going to change based on where we are in our life cycle, not go away, but change.
It’s a worthy question to ask.
Happy Sunday Everyone: We started the year off with a sales contest based on points. All of it gets tracked automatically through our software. Loan…
“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast”, is a saying I’ve randomly heard a few different times in the past couple of weeks, and certainly a few more times in my more distant past.
I pray for peace and restoration for our friends in Los Angeles.
Magic happens when purpose and process cross roads.
How we will live each day, how we handle all the events of our lives, will determine what is said about us when we’re gone. Holidays are hard for a lot of folks. We should collectively work hard to focus on the gratitude of memories we have for the ones no longer with us vs. only the pain of them not being here.
What will happen if I focus on keeping things in perspective?
Our division had a great business planning session with myself and my great friend, JJ Mazzo last week. One of the top LO’s called it the best 30-minute planning session he’d heard in 20 years
There is a different kind of comparison though, one where you’re measuring yourself to better yourself.