Happy Sunday Everyone:
We started the year off with a sales contest based on points. All of it gets tracked automatically through our software. Loan apps, locks, fundings etc. Our top 20 loan officers for 2024 are the team captains, each have 7-8 loan officers on their teams. Most people in sales are competitive, competition is good.
I host a bi-weekly sales call for our division. Last Tuesday’s sales call I interviewed the top 4 point holders for our competition YTD. I’m a huge fan of all four of these people and I thought the call went well. It was basic stuff, asking them questions about how they got off to the start they did, what they were doing, etc. I was driving home that night talking to one of my favorite regional managers, and he commented that he thought the call was “excellent”. I asked, “why excellent?”, his response got me thinking, “it was simple”. On the call with the top 4 , I was asking questions around cold calling, like are you still doing it? How are you doing your calls? who are you calling? Cheesy gifts, speed to the lead, eat the frog, etc…all different type of answers, all 100% genuine, and reflective of these peoples’ individual businesses. These 4 people are highly successful, and always have been. What makes them successful? The very simple answer is they go to work every day. They don’t overthink, they have little egos, they’re comfortable in their own skin. They’re unapologetic for their individual styles and they simply go to work.
I know I can get more complicated than I need to at times. Listening to these 4 loan officers talk about the simplicity of what they’re doing. It was more about action and less about strategy. It was more about mindset to move the ball forward, make progress, book appointments, make calls, be useful to clients and business partners and let the chips fall where they may. These people create their own momentum. Activity creates momentum, momentum creates progress, and progress creates results.
We all need to be reminded at times to keep it simple.