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“How about a ride tomorrow?”

Happy Sunday Everyone-

Crazy times.  I feel like I keep saying that.  I think a lot of folks are in the same boat.  When my world gets “crazy” I can get a little selfish.  I can feel myself talking about me more.  Less listening, more talking, less awareness of others, more concentration on me.  I’m okay with it, I recognize it, it’s a season, and I’m on my way out, but I acknowledge it.  I told my financial advisor yesterday, who serves as a part-time therapist, “I’m not talking about me for a long time”.  Oddly enough, here I am talking about me…kind of funny. So enough about me, let’s talk about you….ha.

The real estate/mortgage industry has been good for a lot of people reading this, including me.   Through those good years I’m proud to say I’ve kept my lifestyle in check.  Only acquisition being the 1963 Lincoln purchase of 2020.  Most of you know, after driving out of the driveway two years ago  in “mint” condition, it broke down 100 yards from the house….2 years later it’s back and ready to roll, it’s my happy place.  If you live in Danville, the chances of seeing me rolling through town is about 100% on any given Saturday or Sunday.

Where am I going with this? In my slightly selfish state of mind, I realized I had missed a text Friday from my dad.  The dot was gone which means I looked at, I just didn’t do anything with it.  My dad, who is truly my best friend, had asked very simply “how about a ride tomorrow”.  I was in a contemplative state last night when I reread the text, possibly making this a bigger deal than it is, but it dawned on me how much I don’t want to miss a whole lot of these type of texts.  I was at a dinner party before I saw it and my buddies and I were literally talking about our dads, 2 of whom would do anything to have them back for one last ride.

I’m going to finish typing this, I’m going to get in my car, and I’m going to take my dad for a ride.  Yes life can get crazy but we need to keep the irrelevant crap in check and focus on the stuff that matters, which for me has everything to do with honoring the relationships I have with the people I love.

Happy Sunday Everyone.  My dream today would be for a lot of folks out there to go for a ride.

Published inRelationships
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