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Gratitude and Small Wins

Happy Sunday team…

Green Egg has ribs smoking and I’m happy…..

Gratitude, small wins, and competition.

Gratitude-If you have the right people on your team, are you showing gratitude toward them. Reverse the roles and imagine doing what they do every day for you. Our teams, including immediate team, and then extended (underwriters, doc drawers, funders, owners), deserve a sign of our appreciation for their efforts. I think we take our eye off this ball too much and it causes pain for everyone. Why do we critique vs. honor? How many times do you blast someone for what they did wrong but not praise them when they do great things. If you have the right team members, they deliver more than they don’t, so honor them for it, build them up for it, and show your gratitude. HW assignment-buy coffee for your immediate team tomorrow and lunch this week for your processors, underwriters, docs drawers, and funders….see what happens.

Small Wins: I have a student right now struggling big time. Company is a mess, team is leaving him, he’s wondering which way is up, and I don’t blame him. I called him, his voicemail was full…..I could not leave a message. Your voicemail, your emails, your bed being made, or not, is a direct reflection of your life….perhaps this sound stupid, or crazy, but I believe it. Clean your car, make your bed, clear your email, your vmail, and you will be winning just a bit. Little wins create big wins…little losses create big losses. I’ve asked some of you to watch the commencement speach delivered by the Admiral who runs the Navy Seals at the University of Texas last year. His speech was about 10 things individuals can do to change the planet….his #1 thing was to make your bed every morning….small wins. I LOVE THIS!!

Competition-I have the honor and pleasure of coaching 3 coaches this semester…and they are competitive monsters……we have a bet for the next 2 weeks, $100/person for Starbucks gift certificates for our teams. Greatness tracker:

1 point for face to face

2 points for break breaks

.5 points for phone calls

5 points for leveraged event

1 point for TY cards

3 points for a lead

5 points for a deal

Why do we do what we do every day? Its our choice to make it a fun game, or to make it too serious and awful. My team is on board, fired up, and plans to win the competition. Team efforts go a long way. What small competition can you have with your team to drive things to be fun, and deliver results? Create a competition tomorrow for your team. I know this stuff sounds silly, basic, elementary….whatever….but it’s the stuff that works…especially when its natural and nor forced.

Have a great week. Be purposeful, and call me….even if you don’t need me…just call me.

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