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Cater. Excellence. Execution. Gratitude

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I was coaching this past Thursday and one of my students commented that he thought it was the best call he had been a part of in 2.5 years of getting coached. As much as I’d like to take all the credit, I believe it was the content, so thought it was worth sharing what we discussed….The Core has a theme every two weeks that we cover on the “coaching the coaches” call just to ensure the whole organization is on the same page. The Theme this past week was “Catering with excellence, and execution, with gratitude”. On the call I decided to break down what that means, what that looks like, in our individual businesses, our companies, and in our lives. If that’s what our mindset was daily, if that’s what we focused on with our teams, if that’s what we were thinking in every client interaction, what would be the outcome? more than likely our businesses would be massively better. The simplicity of those words and putting the definitions against our businesses answers a lot of questions.

Cater: provide with what is needed or required.

Excellence: the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.

Execution: the carrying out or putting into effect of a plan, order, or course of action.

Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Ask. yourself these questions:

1. Do your clients feel like they’re being catered to, with excellence, and execution, with gratitude?

2. Do your teams feel like they’re being catered to, with excellence, and execution, with gratitude?

3. Do your business partners feel like they’re being catered to, with excellence, and execution, with gratitude?

4. If you own your company, do you employees feel like they’re being catered to, with excellence, and execution, with gratitude?

I’m not sure how you could look at this any other way than how to run a smart business. My team has adopted this as to how we treat each other, our business partners, and our clients. Every positive experience or negative experience can be brought back to asking ourselves the questions above. If your clients say yes to the above, it was a great experience, if they so no to the above, it wasn’t, very simple. Business partner stays with us because they answered yes to the above, they leave you because they answered, no….same goes for your employees.

I’ve made this statement before, 7 years ago I would brush this stuff off as simply “words”…BS motivation, Pollyanna crap….I don’t today, and my business is better for it. If you take a minute to get past the words and to the actual meaning of what is above, the chances of you having a better business, happier clients, and more appreciated employees is a guarantee.

Have a great week ahead.

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