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3 Things To Win The Day

Happy Sunday Everyone:

All of us had our own personal worlds moved because of Covid 19, no one escapes the changes taking place right now. Depending on what you were doing before this all went down, has a lot to do with your current reality. Some of us are responding to changes we need to make, some of us are contemplating what’s next, and some of us are in a panic because our cheese was so far moved we’re not sure what to do.

Regardless of what camp you find yourself in, a plan needs to be had. I fall into camp one. Anyone in mortgage banking is experiencing their biggest months ever and at the same time being rocked by what’s happening behind the scenes. To be a part of the navigation, or to witness others navigating, is like nothing I’ve seen (I don’t think anyone else has either because it’s never happened before).

A few weeks ago I found myself working from 4:30AM-7:30PM and not sleeping. Daily routine wiped out, I wake up, log on, shower, office, grind, don’t eat, come home, log on, repeat. Works great for both husband and father of the year, of which I’m currently out of the running. In a moment of dark clarity I realized all I did all day was react to everyone else’s issues. I literally would get on my computer and respond to 100’s of emails, take 20-30 phone calls, participate in 5 different zoom meetings, and have my day dictated to me, never feeling like I accomplished anything. We’re all using the term “groundhogs day” more now (it’s what my wine glass says), I was living in a perpetual groundhogs day. It was also 100% self-inflicted. Another moment of clarity, being busy at your job and being good at your job are two very different things, I was confusing the two.

Around the same time I’m talking to a coaching student. He’s explaining something similar. I gave him the very simple assignment of sending me an email each morning with 3 bullets on what he needed to do to win his day, every day. Not to over complicate things but 3 simple tactical things he needed to get done each day to be able to say he won his day. As the words are coming out of my mouth I’m of course thinking “this is my own issue”. It’s funny the advice you give others, often it’s the exact advice you need for yourself. 3 weeks later there are 15 of us emailing each other every morning our daily wins for the day and it’s working. Is this idea cheesy? or simple? or elementary? perhaps…but it’s working.

Here is what it does for me:

1. Gives me 15-30 minutes in the morning (or night before) to focus on what is truly important to me. This is when selfish is good. If I can’t help myself first I can’t help anyone else.

2. Writing it out and having to send doesn’t just create accountability, it creates clarity. You can’t type confusion, you have to have clarity. I’m confused in my head, I’m clear by the time it hits email.

3. Triggers me through the day to stay away from “busy” exercises that detract from winning my day.

4. Chills me out when I put my head on the pillow.

No matter what role you find yourself in right now you deserve to win your own day, but you need to know what that looks like first.

My wins today: Sunday Thoughts out. Run 5 miles and workout with Jack/Thomas in the garage. Co-chef w/ Kim for a killer Sunday dinner.

Enjoy your Sunday.

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