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You Get What You Give

Happy Sunday Everyone. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

I missed Sunday Thoughts last week. Truth be told, I had a massive hangover. My punishment for drinking too much Saturday Night is announcing to all of you that’s why I missed. Hangovers hurt more than they used to for sure although this one was worth it (annual dinner w/ 10 buddies).

As much as I want to break the typical trend of end of year thoughts, and gratitude around Christmas, I can’t. I was running yesterday, which is typically when I have the most clarity and I was thinking about all the big people I have in my life, the mentors I have in my life, and the people I surround myself with, in general. I am in fact blessed, and I’m not embarrassed to say it. I feel such massive gratitude that it occasionally brings me to tears (that part I’m actually embarrassed to tell you but it’s true and I need to tell you because if you haven’t experienced that type of gratitude, I hope, for you, that someday you will). In thinking of why I have these feelings, I can only come back to the quality of the people that are in my life, and just how many. I think we all need to take stock in who is in our life. How many people impacted your life this year in a great way? How many people pushed you to be the best version of yourself? how many people hold you accountable to be the best version of yourself? I think you also have to take stock in how many people rely on you? How many people trust you? How many people bring their struggles to you? How many people are you helping? It’s not an easy question for many of us because the answer isn’t what we want it to be. I guess it’s also possible that some of us just don’t care, but I honestly think that’s a facade. Relationships to me are the ultimate examples of “you get what you give”. I do believe when we die we will in fact remember the relationships we had, and not much else, my 100 ½ year old, very sharp Grammie would agree, I’m not suggesting we need to be walking around solving world peace with every conversation and every friend either, that’s far from the point but I would say to be in a bunch of surface level, bull s#$# relationships is not where it’s at. If I had to think of a some words that create great relationships they would be trust, vulnerability, non-judgement, positive, listen, care, depth, comforting, big questions, and available. All of the people I have in my thoughts for 2017, and really, always, would be described in a combination of those words.

If I had a Christmas/Holiday Wish for all of us, it would be to seek out big people in 2018 and let them into your life and vice versa.

Merry Christmas.

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