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You are who you surround yourself with

Happy Sunday Everyone:

First and foremost, Happy Mother’s Day to all those amazing woman out there. If there was ever a group of deserving people to have a day to celebrate them, Mothers would be it.

I was listening to a Tim Ferriss Podcast a few weeks ago, he asks everyone he interviews in the end “if you had a virtual billboard for the world to see, one message, what would it say?” The guest turned the question on him as to what his own billboard would say, his answer was “you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with the most”.

I just got home from our Core Summit in Orlando late last night. 465 students, 44 coaches, 115 guests. The whole event is pretty amazing. I’ll not try to explain because I really don’t think you can understand unless you’re there, present, and experiencing it all. As it relates to the quote however, I surround myself with 44 coaches around the country who are some of the best humans I’ve ever known. Results speak for themselves, I’ve made more, saved more, and have given more away than anything I’ve ever contemplated before joining this group. That’s the tangible result but as it relates to the quote of “you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with the most”, I wish we all took more stalk in it. These 44 people, who I choose to be with, are 44 people that lift me up, guide me, help me when I need help, hold me accountable to be my best, share ideas, share pain, act vulnerable, ask for help when they need it, want me to succeed, want to be part of my success (in whatever way I define my own success). We truly go to battle together. Everyone has the others back, at a level I’ve never experienced before.

What’s my point? 44 is more than 5, and that doesn’t include the great and phenominal friends I have outside of this program, but what I’m accurately aware of after leaving these events (16 and counting) is you are who you associate yourself with. If you hang out with great people, you have a greater chance of being a great person. Hang out with bad people, you have a greater chance of being bad. Yes, I understand that’s a “duh” statement, but we choose to hear it, and do nothing with it. Question who you hang out with, who you seek advice from, who lifts you up, who helps you be your best. Make adjustments, find great people, they will change your life.

I do believe 3 things are happening in our relationship at all times; we’re being influenced by someone else, someone else is being influenced by us, or a combination of both. For me, I will be more aware moving forward where I fit into the equation. I only want to seek advice from people that have what I mentioned above, I want to hang out with people who have a desire to get better, and to be better. Doesn’t mean we need to hang out with perfect people, I’m as flawed as anyone, but the desire to be better, to be positive, to grow, is a heck of a lot better than the alternative. for me, I can replace the “5” with “44”. Life is too short to not hang with people that want you be awesome.

Just to put it in perspective and give you some context, my buddy Jeremy Forcier, who I was seeking advice from, found out the seat next to me on my plane was empty, cancelled his flight (different airline), re-booked on mine, talked to me for 5 hours on the way home. Who does that??? (1 of the 44).

Have a kick ass week ahead.

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