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Where are you in the Storm

Happy Sunday Everyone (early Sunday!!).

Was on a coaching the coaches call with Rick this past Wednesday, the topic was the fact that we are always heading into a storm, in the storm itself, or coming out of a storm. At first pass, sounds kind of morbid, or depressing, people don’t typically like storms. For me though, I gain some comfort in this thought process. I am, we are, in fact, always heading in/currently in/coming out of some storm, just think about it. The thought process helps me not get too comfortable, complacent, or concerned, in the present moment and at the same time keeps me from being paranoid about what’s around the corner. If we can truly accept the fact that our lives are always going to have challenges, you’re on your heals less when those challenges appear. You tend to respond more to the challenge vs. react to it when you can think more clearly. I need to accept the fact that life is always going to send in storms that are out of my control but I also need to do my best to avoid self-inflicted storms. I have no idea why this sits so well with me but when I ask myself “is this going to create a storm for me, and what type of storm will it be”, I pause and decide if it’s a storm I’m willing to go through or want to go through, and what will be the consequences of the storm while I’m in it, and after (sometimes good, sometimes bad). Personalize this thought to yourself, are you coming into, currently in, or leaving a storm? Birth, death, marriage, divorce, kids, friends, markets, economies, rates, inventory, money, employment, all of these things create storms, good and bad, how we choose to get through these storms is up to us. I can think of a lot of people who receive this email and know there to be so many situations happening that would put you currently in, or coming out of a storm…gain some comfort in that you’re not alone, and you did in fact come out of the storm alive and kicking….again!!

Have a great rest of your weekend and especially a great week ahead.

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