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Happy Sunday Everyone:

Is it possible to love someone you barely know? I work with a gal named Wendie. Wendie is in our IT Department, official title, Systems Analyst. She had reached out to me a few weeks ago to see if I had a recording of a sales video I had done for our team….a loan officer was asking. We went back and forth a bit, I asked her how she was doing but also not wanting to pry. Wendie being Wendie gave me what I was hoping for, which was a status on her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. Here is a “portion” of our communication:



Yes! Hard to believe it’s been a little over a year now… The treatment regimen that my medical team has me on is doing its thing but my own stubborn self is helping. I refuse to let this bring me down. If I’m being honest, scan times are a little nerve racking but very necessary and so far, good results. Next round is coming up in January and I know all will be well.


I find you inspirational. I think you’re amazing. “little nerve racking?”….I’d be pooping out my ears.


I have a sticky note, (an old fashioned, actual Post-It) front and center. A few months ago, on it, I wrote this to myself: “Behave like you have a stake in it…” My stake is to live, and give, and love fiercely. No expectations. My hope is to leave a footprint, even a tiny toe print.. that may make a small difference in someone’s world while I can. That’s all she wrote.


“Behave like you have a stake in it”? I have no idea if Wendie made that up, or if it’s been said before, but I’m stealing it. Her stake is to live, give, love, with no expectations? sounds like the title to a self-help book but instead it’s coming from this amazing person fighting for her life and has a mindset I could use a hell of a lot more of. How could you (and me) not love, admire, and respect Wendie? How could we not learn from her? I’m sorry Wendie is going through this massive bout in her life, but I also love being no degrees of separation from knowing this great person. You hear stories of people like Wendie but to get that type of an email directly from the source felt like an out of body experience.

After noodling on this for a week, I asked her if I could write about her w/ zero pressure. Her response: “I was on the fence at first but it’s a big YES, I don’t mind at all, now. I thought about folks and how we often hide difficult, sad or challenging situations. Knowing someone that may be in the same or similar boat, and having a name to potentially reach out to, or even just relate to, is AMAZING. ”

So this is really Wendie’s Sunday Thoughts, although she gave me permission to write about her I don’t think she was thinking I was going to use her own words, but her own words mean more than anything I could ever say, I only know I’m better for knowing her. As we approach Thanksgiving this Thursday I am thankful to know someone like Wendie. She’s a hidden gem in our company (maybe not so hidden now!).

One major blessing that has come from writing these thoughts is the connection to so many folks. I’m looping Wendie in on the cc in the event anyone needs her. She’s strong, she’s awesome, and she’s available to anyone that finds themselves “in the same or similar boat”.

Thank you, Wendie!! You truly are amazing.

Published inMindset
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