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Sunday Thoughts: Your Standard

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I listened to a podcast for the first time 3 weeks ago.  I’ve now listened to it 5 times, I’ve taken notes on it, I’ve studied it, I’ve made my boys listen to it,  I love it.  I think my only goal for this Sunday Thoughts is to have anyone reading listen to it.  Link is:

The interview is Ed Mylett and Inky Johnson.  I’ll skip the details on Inky, but he was a phenomenal college football player, going pro for sure, 2 minutes left in his final game, was paralyzed on the left side of his upper body.  He’s now a speaker, motivator…Easy to say, “he’s another speaker that overcame adversity and now on stage”. I think he’s more than that.   Ed Mylett considers him the best speaker he’s ever heard. As I’m sitting here, thinking about what I could write to have you listen to it, I’m not sure….so I’ve decided just to include my own personal notes and leave it at that. I believe it’s worth an hour out of your life. The reason I titled this “Your standard” is him talking about it made consider “what are my personal standards for living my life?”  I hope you give it a listen.

My notes:

  • Its real now-when I embraced it…”How can i use this”.
  • We’re all wounded to a certain extent; you can just see mine….we all share dealing with adversity.
  • Don’t take what I can do today for granted. It can all be gone tomorrow.
  • tragedy creates bitterness, “i was disappointed”.  It wasn’t a tragedy because I still have my life.
  • Patience:
    • You judge each day by the harvest that you reap not that the seeds that you just sowed.
    • There were certain things that came to me in solitude that couldn’t have come if I was moving.
    • You have to get quiet so you can hear God.
  • Conditional vs. non-conditional-
    • Conditional is predicated on situations, circumstances, and what you give me.
    • Champions do daily what everyone else does occasionally.
    • Character is what we do daily, our reputation is what we do occasionally.
    • Character is not conditional, it’s who you are, reputation is conditional.
    • examples:
      • 3rd string vs. 1st string…how do you show up?
      • Down 40 points with 5 minutes left, how do you show up?
    • Where is conditional effort showing up in my life?
    • Koby example: he went to the next level when he wanted to understand the nuances of the game.
    • Conditional vs. non-conditional-I never think about what that person is going through vs. “what is this person going through”…
    • Oprah interviewing Mr. Rogers: “Remember what it was like when you were a child”.
  • Football Teams: everyone had a different recipe, but the standard was the standard:
    • Everybody locked in.
    • Difference between an expectation and a standard.  Expectation is external, Standard is internal.  this is who we are. 
    • Expectations is what they create, the standard is what we create.
  • Process is the voice.  post traumatic growth, finish. Give your pain a narrative.
  • A champion is built on the other side of i don’t feel like it.
  • Look at old pictures and remember how it makes you feel.
  • Principals vs. preference:
    • If you don’t stand for anything you fall for anything-grandparents
    • Self-disciplined-you think about the pursuit, the goal, what you don’t think about is what you need to go without.  When you have principals, you know what you can go without. 
  • What are my principals and what are my preferences?
  • ENJOY the process.  Be present.
  • “Don’t postpone your joy, don’t postpone your happiness, don’t postpone your peace”.
  • Chinese proverb “if you want to know the road ahead, ask those coming back”.
  • Dad voicemail “your dad is gone”.  “Call your mom”.
  • How many times I took for granted my dad calling.
  • Public success vs. private failure.  Earning the chip.
  • Am I living my life so when I’m gone my family is going to agree with the broader audience that I was the same guy? This is mandatory.
Published inCharacterPerspectiveReflection
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