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Pouring into Others

Happy Sunday Everyone:

So I didn’t feel like writing these today and had decided not to, and was at total peace with it. I was sitting outside in by backyard, had the doors wide open and was listening to Jack Johnson on my new record player. I’m sitting there thinking “this is pretty freaking cool, sound is amazing, I’m actually listening to an entire album, and no one does this anymore”.

The record player, some killer speakers, and a stack of 10 vinyls of my favorite music, was sent to me as a gift. Although I had said “thank you”, I didn’t really express my appreciation for all of it (in part because I didn’t really appreciate it until I started listening to it). So about an hour ago I texted the gifter and told him how much I was enjoying it and what a great gift it was. The gifter is someone I hired 7 years ago. His response was “You have had the greatest impact on my life, and me as individual, than anyone else, by a landslide, and that is a very small representation of my gratitude for you”. As I’m reading his text I just start crying, and I’m thinking “WOW, WOW, WOW”. Part of me is thinking “WTF is happening to me right now”, the other part is thinking “this is the coolest feeling in the world”.

So if you can allow me to take a bragging moment and turn it into Sunday Thoughts, here are my take aways from this.

1. Telling someone who has had a positive impact on your life is something that should be said or written. He didn’t just make my day, to a large degree he validated my life.

2. Going past the surface level BS is worth it. When you invest in people you reap rewards that go far beyond monetary compensation. Personally, I don’t think I could feel any greater reward than this.

3. Worry not about who isn’t interested in being helped. If your mindset is to invest in all people you’ll find the diamonds out there. I need to remember this. I also need help and constantly seek helpers.

4. Pour into people with humility and vulnerability. I’m realizing the more vulnerable we are, the greater the reward, hands down.

5. Having a positive impact on someone’s life is the greatest reward in the world.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

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