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Personal Thoughts for the Week

Happy Sunday, Everyone.

I’ve been on a tangent of questions and statements as of late. It helps me gain clarity, stay focused, brings me back to center, what’s important, what’s not. Questions and statements that have been on a reel in my brain are below. Those closest to me are probably tired of hearing them and I’m okay with that, repeat is usually what makes things stick. 

  1. Results vs. Excuses-you can have one, but you can’t have them both. Arnold Schwarzenegger said something very close to this. Challenge yourself to consider what camp you fit it. Having your eyes wide open helps on progress. Line up 3 people in your life who inspire you, line up 3 people that drive you nuts, I’ll bet those that inspire are into results, those that drive you nuts are into excuses. Be excuseless.
  2. No complaining rule-I have a team meeting and a divisional meeting tomorrow. I’m going to kindly suggest we implement the no complaining rule for a week (and hopefully beyond). Issues, yes, solutions yes, bitching for the sake of bitching, no. Had multiple conversations last week where the life was sucked out of me, I allowed it to happen, guilty as charged.  I probably did it to others too. Don’t suck the life out of someone else by useless complaining.
  3. Got a motivational text from Inky Johnson last week: “wherever you stand, be the soul of that place”. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  4. Love/Hate/Indifference-This is the one those closest to me are probably tired of hearing about. Where is indifference showing up in my life? Powerful thought to suggest indifference is worse than hate. Challenge myself to make sure I’m not indifferent to anything or anyone who I shouldn’t be indifferent to. Glass balls vs. rubber balls. Some relationships can break, others can’t, be intentional on knowing the difference.
  5. Where are we currently failing you? This sounds super negative; I don’t mean it to be at all. Between indifference, and asking this question daily, progress begins. If we can ask our A and B players where we are failing them daily, we will solve every big and small problem that exists over time. We can then stand proudly and say, “we are not indifferent to your success, we are intentional about it, and we hear you”. I say A and B because I’m interested in their feedback, less so the C players.
  6. “Nobody knows what they’re doing before they do it”. Quote from Unreasonable Hospitality. I love this quote. Don’t be too critical on the people who are working toward a solution they haven’t found. Self-reflection-give yourself some grace for not knowing all the answers and some self-respect for the attempt to grow.
  7. “I conducted an audit to remove anything that felt transactional from our dining room”. Quote from Unreasonable Hospitality. I read this at our divisional book club on Friday. If there was a message I want to scream from the rooftops to loan officers it is get out of being transactional…it will be the death of you. Relationships and trust don’t get established by text/email. Ask questions, be partners, create solutions, solve problems, make a difference. He also said “hospitality is a dialogue, not a monologue”…so is our role, if we’re good at it.

Go into this week with more intention and purpose than last week and see what happens.

Published inMindsetPerspectiveReflection
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