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Personal Progress

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I was kind of thinking of not doing these today. I know I say that often (passive/aggressive email habits), in part because its often my thought, but today was more because I figured the discussion of the note to myself might get a little long in the tooth to all of you and its what’s on my mind, and has been. Then I had to remind myself these aren’t about you as much as they’re about my thoughts on paper (so to speak). I do want to continue the conversation of the note to myself that I wrote a few weeks back, forgiving myself for being whatever I’m not happy about and being a bit kinder to me moving forward. The reason I want to write about it again is because its freaking working. Of all the stuff I do in the search of living a bit lighter, a bit more joyful, having more contentment (yes this is actually a good word), that single exercise might have done the trick. It’s like making your hiccups go away by breathing into a bag. I’m kind of chuckling, I have new students this semester and reading these Sunday thoughts for the first time, and have to be thinking “this dude is interesting, to say it mildly”.

Someone is going to take my up on this exercise and you’re going to thank me for it. Many of us are carrying burdens we simply don’t need to be carrying. Most of us are better than we give ourselves credit for. I’m not trying to give myself, or you, a pep talk, I’m simply saying I think I’m better for this exercise. My mindset is different. It’s not so much of a “f it, I don’t give a crap about anything”, it’s just more of a “I’m going to put my best foot forward, I’m going to do the best I can, be me, and then whatever happens from that point on, it’s cool”. By looking at the letter daily I’m asking myself all the time, joy, relax, take care of yourself, be present when I walk in the door w/ Kim and the boys (best of me vs. rest of me). It feels like healthy progress. By judging myself less, I have more energy to give to others, and other things. I’m finding myself looking at other people’s actions differently, i.e. they’re doing the best they can, this isn’t a personal attack on me, so open your ears, shut your mouth, contemplate, decide. I’m better for it all around. As a side note, I asked Kim yesterday “Hey-can you tell how different I’m acting”…Her response “no”…I thought that was funny….baby steps.

Anyway-I realize this is some seriously deep stuff…probably not overly professional to an entire company…but if it helps one person like its helped me, I’m good with it.

Reminder-I’m interviewing the guy that caused me to write this letter to myself this Friday at 10:00 PST, “Mr. Thank You’. Anyone receiving this is welcome to join….and if I could be so bold…you’re stupid not to. Link to invite: .

Final final-I’ve attached my note to self if you need a refresher on a structure of what yours could look like.

Enjoy your Sunday!!

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