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Passion and Appreciation for work

First and foremost, Happy Easter…..I probably shouldn’t be writing this today, and you probably shouldn’t be reading it but…….


We took the boys last night to a Saturday night Easter service and then to a great local restaurant (kind of fancy, everyone was dressed in their Sunday best). We knew our server from a different restaurant. He’s interesting in that he speaks very broken English (Hispanic), but has always done a great job at the other restaurant, and now this one too. He’s probably 50-55 years old, worked his way through the back of the kitchen, to being a bus boy, to filling waters/bringing bread, until finally earning enough respect with the GM to get a shot at serving. He started with slower weekday lunches and worked his way up from there. As we talked to him last night, I couldn’t help but notice his passion and his appreciation for work. I complimented him on his service, his attention to detail, and acknowledged his seeming joy in what he did. He ended up talking to us for a bit and commented that he reads books on customer service, how to communicate with people, and how to be the best at his job….He then finishes the conversation by saying “my dad told me throughout my whole life, no matter what you do, enjoy doing it…. and I love doing this”. This guy wasn’t looking for the bigger tip, he wasn’t looking to lay it on thick, he was just talking and it was obvious to my whole family (including the boys) that he had massive gratitude and appreciation for the position he is in, to do what he does. Bottom line is he was refreshing to be around.

I’m not sure what the answer is for all of us on HOW to keep gratitude on the forefront of our minds, and in our hearts, and in our souls, but I’m 100% certain if we all found that answer we would be happier in every aspect of our lives. For most of you, life is good…not just a little good but a lot….so lets recognize that fact and be grateful. It’s a win win….if we can truly be grateful for our lives/positions in life, it makes us bring more joy to ourselves, and more importantly, everyone we touch. Its both selfish and selfless, all at the same time.

Have a great Easter.

P.S. Get your calls done tomorrow. I loved hearing the excuses this week of why some of you don’t do them. Definition of insanity-Watch a person that’s more successful than you, and do the opposite. The people in the CORE that are the most successful, make the calls on Monday, and with purpose.

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