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Numbers are not everything

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Wednesday Morning last week I was doing my morning deal, went for a run, came back, jumped in my pool and watched the sun rise. As I was sitting in there, I said out loud, “I better not get to the end of this thing and determine success or failure by the number of loans I did”. Why did I say that? because I’m not having my best year ever (down 8% from last year) and it’s driving me nuts. It’s constantly on my mind, like a hamster on a wheel, numbers, numbers, numbers.

This is truly one that’s hard to admit but it’s insane how much weight I can allow myself to place on my numbers, and then have that snowball into bigger thought patterns around success/failure (I feel insane even typing this). I’m certainly not the first person to bring up the subject of death bed reviews but it does cause for pause when you start thinking about the end game and what the heck you did while you were here. I’m not talking about me leaving my job to go find myself, I simply mean that I, and perhaps, we, need to have some checks and balances in our heads to not allow small, insignificant, negative items to become anything other than small, insignificant, negative items.

As I try to think through this, and how I attempt to fix myself and these insane thoughts, I’m thinking it comes down to weight. How much weight am I putting on this situation in my insane head, and how much weight would my less insane self put on this? My buddy Todd recently put out a video on a similar subject and asked the question of “am I going to remember this 5, 10, or 15 years from now”. I’ll probably remember if Jack/Thomas thought I was a good role model, I’ll probably remember if Kim thought I was a great husband, I’ll probably not remember whether I closed 15, 20, or 25 loans in August of 2018.

I’m not suggesting I’m trying to get to a place where I don’t care about my numbers, I just know if I can put the appropriate weighted box, I’ll be more relaxed about it, which in the end will probably help that box grow. Most people,, do better more relaxed. Me taking a moment to laugh at myself about the stress I put on some seriously small weighted items helps with the bigger picture stuff.

I’m not sure if this email is a “wow, Hunter is nuts”, or if it resonates with you too. If it’s the latter, you might consider what is causing stress/anxiety in your world and give yourself a gut check on the weight of the subject, and hopefully revaluate.

Side note-I had multiple requests on getting a Thomas update from last week, Thomas weighed in at 147.2 and had a great game.

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