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Negative Self Talk

Happy Sunday Everyone.

What are we all capable of doing without negative self-talk? The answer is just about anything. The people around you who have more, do more, happier, everything good….probably have less negative self-talk, if any at all. Rick asks me the question constantly, which drives me nuts….”why aren’t you bigger”….and I’m thinking “well I’m pretty darn big”… my own world, but how much bigger can I be? and why am I not? Comes down to negative self-talk….it’s not even negative, it’s just limiting. You think of why things can’t get done vs. how they can get done. Whenever we’re making something complicated we’re typically bringing in self-doubt and negative self-talk into the equation. On the other side of thinking why we can’t do things is a ton of possibility. I say this because I can tell you with a large degree of certainty that in the past 30 days I’ve crossed the chasm of switching gears, switching the negative self-talk button off (for the most part). For me, it’s in my nature so it’s a work in progress but massive strides have been made and I honestly feel like a different person. I feel lighter (not in weight), I feel better, I feel like procrastination is a waste of time because it gets in the way of what I’m here to do right now. What am I focused on? what will I do? From a loan perspective I will do this inside of two years:

· Close $300,000,000 in production.

· 600 loans, 50 loans a month, avg. loan amount $500K.

· receive 200 leads a month with a 25% closing ratio (at a minimum).

· 5 front end LP1’s

· 5 back end LP2’s

· 1 team captain

· 1 marketing person

· 1 dialer

It will take time, energy, training, hiring, and focus to execute on this. It needs to be clear and it needs to be shared. I will do this. You can put this in your calendar to touch base with me in July 2018 and it will be done. The old me would say “don’t put this in writing, what if I can’t do this, what if I look like an idiot, what if people doubt that I can do it, what if I lose focus and forget about it”? The new me says “I will do it, the people I share this with will support me and help me get there, and by putting it in writing, and reviewing it daily, I will stay laser focused on what I need to be doing day in a day out to get there, and I wont lose focus”. Once I’m there, I’ll figure out what’s next.

This is just one particular topic in my life and there are a 1000 others but the same mindset holds true for everything. I think I’m pretty good. I think I’m a good husband, good father, good leader to my team, good coach, good friend, good son, and good brother, but this recognition of negative self-talk, and desire to get rid of it helps and contributes to me being a much better version of myself.

This isn’t a new topic….it’s the same “glass 1/2 empty or 1/2 full”…..the key question is being honest with yourself as to which one you are, and taking responsibility for switching it if you’re in the wrong camp. Take some time to think about one topic you’re going to execute on, write it down, review it, and share it. Much better chance of it coming to fruition. one win equals another win….until you just believe you were made to win, which is a pretty good way to be thinking about life.

Have a great Sunday.

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