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My Board

Happy Sunday Everyone-

A thought that’s front and center for me right now is who I’m hanging around with.  I am still suffering from the covid hangover of remoteness.   The massive shift in the market, causing so many to cruise around dazed and confused (guilty at times myself).  After getting off a call yesterday with a few folks I care a great deal about, but haven’t talked to in depth, in a while, it reminded me just how important my network is, and how careful I have to be of who is in that network.  I searched my Sunday Thoughts for how many times I’ve referenced my favorite quote from Jim Rohm “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”, it’s more than a few.  I believe in it whole heartedly and I’m reminded of it when I’m around those truly special people. 

In thinking through all of this, I’m also realizing in the saddest way possible, that my personal board of directors is changing.  My dad was, is, and will always be my chairman.  I just lost another member a few weeks ago, Dave White, and another one along the way. Those guys will never be forgotten, and I will continue talk to my dad (in my own way) until I see him again, but it doesn’t change the fact that I have a few spots open for my board, and it’s important those spots get filled.  Being intentional about who you are hanging around with, who you are seeking counsel from, who you are trusting with your life (in all areas) is as important as it gets.  You hang around the right folks, you have rocket fuel for upward momentum, you hang around the wrong folks, you have rocket fuel toward nowhere. I’ve seen it, we all have.

I’m on the hunt, and looking forward to finding these new members, I have a few in mind already.

I looked back to a Sunday Thoughts I did honoring Dave White in January of 2022. He had written a book and asked me to participate in the forward. He had written out his lessons of life and business. I took my favorite 10. Always relevant! Looking at them now that Dave is gone, there is a level of sadness, nostalgia, and gratitude that hits hard.

Please take a look.  

  1. Get in over your head.
  2. Activity and aptitude determine altitude.
  3. Don’t compare you, your life, or your business to theirs.  
  4. Job description from 9-5, see people and fight to see people. 
  5. If you miss the joy of it, you miss it all. 
  6. It’s easier to tame a maniac than to pump life into a corpse. 
  7. People who don’t seriously consider their future will someday find their yesterday full of regret. 
  8. Don’t let your ego get in the way of your judgement.
  9. Over tip breakfast servers. 
  10. When you wake up in the morning and don’t feel the walls of a casket, you know it’s going to be a good day.

Appreciate you all who read these. Thank you!

Published inMentorsReflection
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