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Mr Thank You

Happy Sunday Everyone:

My interview with John Israel aka “Mr. Thank You”, was off the charts amazing. The feedback I received from our team members were things like “best interview I’ve ever seen”, “this is so needed right now”, and “please do more of this”. In a time where we seem to clamor and run toward the negative, it’s refreshing to see such a positive response of pushing the positive. The interview was such a success I’m doing another one with John on the 29th, for by business partners, and clients. In the name of being more positive in 2021, this is my way of paying it forward

As it relates to Sunday Thoughts, and a scrambling brain today, I thought I’d shoot you the notes I took before my call with him, and then added a few comments for Sunday Thoughts. These were based on my favorite quotes from his book.

* His book “Curiosity is the precursor to appreciation, and appreciation is the birthplace of empathy. With empathy we grow in compassion, and the more compassion we have, the more deep and meaningful we connect.”

* my thought: internally-how does this play out for our employees/team members and the relationships we have with them. How do we get to this place, what would a company look like with this mindset?
* my thought: externally for the sales force how does this playout. What impact would this have with your business partners and clients if this was your mindset? What would your business look like and how contagious would you become if this was your belief?

* His book: “it’s quite a challenge to commit to express more gratitude in your life, because along with it comes the responsibility to honor the coinciding emotions and side effects”…

* my thought: Companywide, would rather error on the side of kindness/family mindset vs. stay in your corner, therefore I don’t actually need to know you. Push gratitude, receive gratitude, be thankful for the relationship between the two. If leadership and team members feel reciprocating gratitude, you’ve hit the lottery. Question is, do they? if so, why? if not? why?
* my thought: externally for the sale force, what is our definition of expression of gratitude to our business partners and clients? In large part it’s the actions we take along the journey with them, literally how we handle their opportunities and how committed we are for the client experience. If it’s lead by genuine gratitude, than the actions to create the experience must be exceptional. Being exceptional is showing the gratitude and that gratitude drives appreciation, the appreciation creates a long term/repeated connection, which creates one hell of a business model.

* His book: “I warn business and sales people about this. You don’t get to tell clients how much you value and appreciate their business and then not return their call”.

* my thought: in general actions speak louder than words. This is a message every sales person needs to hear, not just sales, everyone. I’d be a better human if I had a shock collar that automatically went off every time my actions weren’t in alignment with my beliefs/words.

* His book: “expressing gratitude begets gratitude”

* my thought: It’s been said many times, you can’t have gratitude and be pissed off at the same time. I was pissed off about something 30 minutes ago, I’m not right now, it works. How do we get ourselves to get back to gratitude when we’re pissed off about something else?

* His book: “we can judge or we can appreciate progress”.

* my thought: Companywide-look for progress in the process, and our people, vs. the judgment of what isn’t working, just make sure there is progress.

* EMOTIONAL AWARENESS His book: “write inauthentic thank you cards or try to shift my emotional state to one that empowers me”.

* my thought: you can’t checkbox gratitude. if you’re delivering false gratitude it can be felt a mile away. Don’t ever kid yourself that it’s not obvious to the recipient. Make it real and make it count or don’t do it at all.

* His book:” Before healing each other, we need to heal ourselves”:

* my thought: This single quote is what triggered writing a letter to myself. Little deep for most but I can tell you in doing so, very powerful, and yes its laminated next to me.

* His book: “whoever takes the most responsibility in a relationship has the power to change that relationship”.

* my thought: favorite quote of the whole book. I find it liberating and empowering.

Since many of my business partners and clients receive these, the link to join is 100% certainty you will be better, and feel better, for having listened/watched John. If you’re receiving this, you’re welcome to join.

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