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Mother_s Day

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Better yet-HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all those moms out there!! How can I not pay homage to those amazing ladies that are still here, and for many, those that have gone.

I try to separate my relationship with my mom compared to so many as I believe I have the greatest of all time. I figure the best way to look at is at the absolute very lowest level of gratitude for a mother is the simple fact that they brought you into this world. That’s the bottom but it’s still a huge thing to be thankful for, your life.

Like my birthday, I believe all mothers out there need to blow this day apart. It’s your day to chill. It’s our day to say “THANK YOU”, to pay you the respect that you deserve. To give praise for all the selfless acts throughout the years. For putting our needs in front of yours.

I think of my mom and Kim and I ask myself if I could do the same job they’re doing, or have done. The answer is very simply, NO. So many of the moms that I know sit on the back burner of gratitude. The amount of effort that goes into being a good mom is countless and also selfless. Your only gratification is an internal motherly love flame for your child. My guess is that flame is what creates the power to get through all that you get through without having everyone around you really understanding or appreciating what you’re getting through. I think of the women I get to work with on a daily basis, our team. Single moms that are just doing it all. It’s what I love about writing this stuff out, helps me reflect and appreciate how amazing they are and how strong they are.

I respect and admire my mom, I respect and admire my wife, and I respect and admire the ladies/moms that I get to work with on a daily basis. I hope they know this, and I hope my own actions are in alignment with the respect and admiration I have for all of them. They deserve it all always, but at the very very least, they deserve this day.

If you’re not making it count for the moms of the world today, switch gears, and start paying homage!!

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