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Lyrics to Fall Line by Jack Johnson

Happy Sunday Everyone:

My Grammie called me an old soul. She thought I’d been around this place a time or two. New soul, old soul, I’ll take either, they both have their strengths. I mention this because this is a Sunday thoughts I’ve wanted to do for a few years but just thought it was too deep, too weird, too out there….too Jack Handy of Deep Thoughts on Saturday Night Live….and today I say F- it.

I love listening to lyrics. I will listen to a song 1,000 times to decipher the code. What does it mean? what’s the point? what were they thinking when he/she wrote this? One of my favorite songs of all time, because of the lyrics, and the beat, is “fall line” by Jack Johnson (please stop now, listen to it, and continue). I’ve literally listened to this song 1,000 times on repeat when I’m running, so this might be more relevant to me than to you.

There are two parts to the song, I’ll only list the lyrics of the second part, which is my favorite. This will sound morbid, I don’t take it as such. I’m also not considering jumping so no police to the house please.

Here you go:

Somebody saw him jump

Yeah but nobody saw him slip

I guess he lost a lot of hope

And then he lost his grip

Now he’s lying in the freeway

In the middle of this mess

Guess we lost another one

Just like the other one

Optimistic hypocrite

That didn’t have the nerve to quit

The things that kept him wanting more

Until he finally reached the core

The last 4 lines are what blow my mind. He finishes with “ain’t there nothing sacred anymore”. I’ve been the optimist, I’ve been the hypocrite, I’ve truly wanted more and more, and then realized once I got it, it wasn’t what I wanted/needed in the first place.

I’m bringing this up now because I was advising a young & very smart team member last week on life and an exercise I wish I had done sooner. The exercise is to keep a record of 4 quadrants.

1. what do I love doing.
2. what do I like doing.
3. what do I not like/love doing but understand it’s part of the journey to get to where I want.
4. what do I hate doing.

The idea behind the exercise is to have the presence when making decisions as to what quadrant your decisions fall in. As I get older, and hopefully wiser, I want to push as many activities into column 1 and 2, eliminate 4, and appreciate 3 for what it is, part of the journey.

It’s been said many of times, the definition of insanity is to do the same activity over and over again expecting a different result. I would say there is a second definition, which is to be driving in the wrong direction, knowing it, and not making a change in the direction you’re headed.

What’s the point of Sunday thoughts today? Do things that bring you joy, avoid the things you hate, and have the presence to not drive aimlessly down a road to nowhere.

Deep thoughts by Hunter:). Next week we can discuss budgeting and time management!!

Site maintained by Hunter's friends over at Third Floor