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Lincoln Car Breakdown

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Friday was the big 46. I’m not sure at what age I’m supposed to feel like an adult, I only know it keeps getting pushed out, perhaps 50? What I do know at 46 is that I have amassed a group of people I call my friends, and co-workers, and business partners, that I’m truly grateful for. Perhaps sappy but I wish for anyone reading this that they would find their birthday as special as I find mine. It will serve as a reminder for me every time I see someone else’s birthday pop up on my calendar.

So my adult life dream has been to own an early 60’s model convertible Lincoln Continental with suicide doors. I think it’s the coolest looking car ever made. Perhaps me feeling like a kid still, I’ve always talked about getting one but never actually came close to pulling the trigger. Finally Rob (friend & CEO) said “dude, you’ve got to treat yourself to something once in a while, if you’ve always wanted one, let’s find you one”. So I get the call about a month ago that one was found. Now this is getting real (and not exactly cheap). Fast forward to Friday, this giant trucks pulls up to my parent’s house (I live on a cul-de-sac and the truck wouldn’t fit). Out comes my car. 63 Convertible w/ suicide doors. I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t have a slight twinge of “congratulations to me, I have arrived”. I’m feeling beyond cool and proud of myself. Fast forward 15 minutes and the car is now in my parents driveway, we’re taking pictures, and Jack/Thomas arrive. I hop in the driver’s seat, Jack next to me, Kim and Thomas in the back. My parents are on the steps, my dad is so proud…his son is driving off in his dream car that he worked so hard for with his awesome wife and boys. We take a right out of the drive way, my parents are snapping pictures (one is below), I’m 100 yards out of the driveway, and I’m thinking “this thing is quiet”. Come to realize it’s quiet because it’s not running. So I pull over as best I can (no power steering), I look at Jack and say “you’ve got to be f’ing kidding me”. Did I mention that it’s a 106 degrees outside? Fast forward 60 minutes (picture attached as well) my 63′ is on the back of the tow truck.

So why am I writing about this & what are my personal take aways:

1. It’s funny. Sometimes you honestly just need to laugh at yourself and the situation.

2. The guy that brokered the deal was on the phone with me from start to finish on how we were going to fix this. It’s a reminder to me on client service. It was one apology and then let’s move forward on resolution. I’ll also give myself credit for remaining calm throughout (not always the case). You get so much further with people wanting to help you vs. having to help you.

3. last week was the first 2 days of online schooling for the boys and it was a mess. Similar to the car, everything in our world right now seems to be out of our control, having an open mind and some levity goes further than a closed & rigid mind right now (perhaps always but now more so than ever).

4. I’m growing. I snapped at Kim while waiting for the tow truck and told her to cancel dinner plans for my bday. She knows me well enough to walk away. I actually heard myself saying “don’t do this”. Called her back, apologized, and continued on. We had a great night. This might appear to be nutty for some of you, for me it’s major progress of a very stubborn person.

For the record-I feel the need to say I never would have shared the purchase of the car had it not done what it did. I thought it was too funny to pass up sharing as well as some lessons learned.

Published inGrowth
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