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Knowing Your Weaknesses

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Been a couple of weeks since Sunday thoughts….Had a great couple of weeks, just didn’t feel like writing.

Although I missed the summit, seems that a major topic that came of it was recognizing what your character strengths are as well as your character weaknesses. I’ve now given you all the assignment of writing down your weaknesses, and then creating 3 bullets to fix the weakness. My team and I finished up this exercise on Friday in our team meeting and what came of it was pretty darn magical. If you think these exercises are dumb, or that your team isn’t interested, you’re robbing your team of a great exercise, or you have the wrong people on your team. We’re slammed, we have more “stuff” going on and it’s a little chaotic, but we are a united front, much of which has to do with exercises like this. When you write stuff down and force yourself to review, you put yourself in a position to change for the better. I thought I’d share mine below.


· Smile when I find myself getting grumpy…I don’t want to be Eeyore.

· When I’m grumpy think of something to be grateful for. it’s very hard to be grumpy and grateful at the same time.

· Remember it is a strength of mine to impact people, but it can be negative too. Bringing people down sucks. Lifting people up is awesome.


· The moment self-doubt hits me, stop, recognize what’s causing it, and change it.

· Personal pep talk, I am good. I have done a lot of good, remember this.

· Remember my negative mindset is not what the other person is thinking, it’s in my head.


· Recognize when I tell my boys “no” when they ask me to do something with them. Switch to “yes”.

· When I’m being selfish/lazy, STOP, and do something proactive immediately.

· When I’m being selfish, remind myself “YOU GIVE WHAT YOU GET AND YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE.

Quick example: neighbor came flying into our house on Friday night , asked Kim to lie down with their 7 year old son, their dog was dying and they had to go to the vet…..Tommy was freaking out. I jumped in the car with my neighbor so his wife could stay home, held the dog, and spent majority of evening in the vet hospital. I’m embarrassed to say it but I literally would not have done this had I not written down what’s above under selfish. I was watching a show, enjoying my evening, and relaxing…..Triggered by what I wrote, I made a choice for the better. Their gratitude for me helping far outweighs the satisfaction of the show.

Review what your wrote down daily. Guaranteed to make you better. It’s all about the bullets.

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