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Know Your Numbers

Happy Sunday Everyone:

In life, the truth will set you free….in business, with an emphasis on sales, the numbers will set you free. I for one am not having the world’s greatest January. Do I like admitting it? no…I don’t. Do I like talking about it, no I don’t….but will I do something about yes I will, and already have. Year over year, January is my worst month. Understanding that is both frustrating and calming. It frustrates me because if I know I’m going to have my worst month in January every year, why don’t I do something about it in September/October, when I have the greatest chance of impacting my outcome 3-4 months later. With that said-instead of wanting to do a swan dive off the golden gate, and fire the team, I also understand this too shall pass, because I’ve measured previous year’s results….and even with that said, and the point of this Sunday Thoughts, everything we do has to be measured by a number, and everyone on the team has to understand what the numbers are. I have been crystal clear with my team that our current numbers don’t give us the long term results we want and if we aren’t on a path for the numbers we want, bad things happen….it’s that simple. I know if I have 100 leads in a month, I will close 25% of those leads, which leads to 25 closings, which keeps everyone happy. If I go to 80 leads, and close 25%, goes to 20 deals, and we’re sustaining ourselves but not growing, if I go 60 leads in a month we have 15 closings and trending into dangerous waters. Another thing to consider is what do we need to do to get conversion ratios up? I never want less leads but if we can increase conversion ratios, I’m always going to be happier, and so is the client. I want my business model to focus on high conversion ratios…who wouldn’t? So my question to all of you is do you understand all of your numbers? does your team understand all of your numbers? do they understand their numbers? how are they being measured? How are you being measured? The book “Traction”, which I’ve implemented as my “process book” for 2017, and hopefully forever, says this about numbers:

1. numbers create accountability: nothing is more clear than a number. Did you make 20 calls? yes/no.

2. Accountable people appreciate numbers: we need people on our bus to be accountable…if they don’t want to be accountable, wrong people are on the bus.

3. Numbers cut through murky subjective communication between me and the team: takes the emotions out of the end result. We did or we didn’t.

4. Numbers create clarity and commitment: great employees appreciate a target. you’re not being a good leader if your target is shades of grey.

5. Numbers create competition. Two front end people taking incoming leads, one has 10 closings, one has 3, I need competitive people on my team. What is the person with 10 doing that the person with 3 is not?

6. Numbers produce results.

7. Numbers create teamwork. we look at our leads every single morning at 9:00. we all know we need 100. when we get in that territory everyone knows it, and we celebrate. Team lunch on Friday.

8. You solve problems faster. as soon as something is off track we have the ability to respond accordingly.

So in case you’re wondering why I have you send me your daily metrics and copy in your team, this is why. I get a very quick snap shot into your world on a daily basis and helps me, help you, hopefully!! My team does the same thing. Every single day at 5:00 Brigitte sends out daily leads, daily locks, daily pre-approvals, daily phone calls by me, and thank you cards sent. Everyone on the team is crystal clear at 5:00 if we have hit our numbers.

Have a great week!!

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