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JJ Takeaways

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I flew down to JJ Mazzo’s office for the day on Friday to see his operation and spend the day with him. I was blown away by both his operation and him personally. He’s a good friend but I’ve never seen him in business mode on his own turf and now that I have its clear to me how he can close 30+ loans a month and run a branch of 20 loan officers, and growing. One of my biggest take aways is the recognition that we (in this case me) might need to hear things or see things multiple times before we can actually digest the value of it. Something I’ve always struggled with is over thinking things, which is brought on by negative/limiting thoughts in my own head, which I’m proud to say at 42 years old is getting better. Watching JJ in motion its clear he doesn’t overthink, he just does….and if “it” doesn’t work, he will reassess. Major take aways from watching JJ:

1. His Vision is crystal clear and his team all knows it.

2. His communication with his team is clear, concise, and direct. They know he cares but he moves super-fast. Everyone takes notes, including JJ.

3. he leverages his green time through massive marketing efforts and leveraged events.

4. His on the job training is exceptional. he repeats himself over and over. he uses examples that are both relatable and funny to help get his point across. He role plays with his team. Anyone that thinks this is uncomfortable or weird is missing out big time.

5. He is incredibly efficient with his time. He gives direction, then delegates with crystal clear expectations and clarity. Who/what/Why/When/Where/How. if someone brings the monkey in the room, they leave with the monkey.

6. He understands his highest and best use. I believe this crosses his mind hourly “is this my highest and best use”…if not, delegate it, or stop it.

7. He is incredibly neat. We’re close enough where I know he didn’t cleanup for my visit. He knows where everything is.

8. He is incredibly detailed and pays close attention to numbers daily.

9. His team has fun. Everyone is committed to one another and the overall team.

10. Every team member is clear on their metrics i.e. how is their individual success measured and the team. They have fun competitions among each other for results, and the results are rewarded.

11. he is totally passionate about what he does and believes in it. You can see this and feel it when you’re there.

12. He’s totally humble and often relates back to his past failures to help get him to where he currently is.

13. He assumes anyone on his team is 100% committed. He does personal budgets with every team member. they feel like family.

14. He is the undisputed leader. He is incredibly fair but it’s his rules and if you’re on his team, or in his office, you sign up for his vision of success.

15. He is an amazing student and implements fast.

A good exercise for all of us being coached/coaching would be to go through the list above and check off a “yes/no” i.e. Are you clear, concise, and direct with your team? Is your vision clear and does your team understand it? if the answers are no, we need to work on it. We need to spend more time watching each other’s business and trust that if something is working for someone else, the odds are in our favor it will work for us. Think less, do more.

Have a great rest of the day and don’t take your foot off the gas.

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