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Jamie Dimon Part 2

Happy Sunday Everyone:

One of the more gratifying items of writing Sunday Thoughts is seeing someone else do something with them.  Like everything, it’s one thing to read something, it takes more effort to internalize it and do something with it.  When it’s someone I have a ton of respect and admiration for, it’s the icing on the cake.  Dave Savage, a good friend, mentor, founder of a company, thought leader in our industry, took my thoughts from last week and turned them into his own, and then forwarded them back to me.  I thought it was worth the share for a couple reasons.  First reason, his thoughts are fantastic and worth the read.  Second reason, it might be worth you thinking through what the words mean to you.  

From Dave: 

Jamie Dimon’s 7 Keys to Success and Happiness

  1. Be Curious
  2. Work Hard
  3. Follow Up
  4. Be Honest
  5. Meet a Lot of People
  6. Take Care of Yourself, Your Health, and People Around You
  7. Give a Damn, Have a Heart, Mean It

My Personalization of Jamie Dimon’s Advice for the Next Generation

  1. Be Curious. Because it will help you always keep a growth mindset, and it will always keep you grateful. Most laws of attraction and success start and end with curiosity. The more interested you are in others, the more interesting you’ll be to others. The more you like others, the more others will like you. All personal growth starts and ends with curiosity. Gratitude is fueled by curiosity. The quote “Always Better, Never Bitter” is fueled by curiosity.
  2. Work Hard. Is the great equalizer because hard work can usually beat talent and/or luck. Never being outworked will always get you into the top 10% of any profession. Hard work alone will not get you into the top 1% or #1. Hard work is always among the top 3 keys to the story of all #1 of anything and everything in life.
  3. Follow Up. The fortunes have always been in follow up in every profession and industry. Great follow-up is also difficult 90% of people won’t do well, and if you make this a personal strength, you’ll always do well in every profession and relationship building.
  4. Be Honest. Truth and honesty will always lead to success and happiness. Lies of convenience are a slippery slope, and being honest with others and yourself will lead to personal confidence and trust with everyone who knows you. Extreme honesty makes life easier and relationships better. 
  5. Meet a Lot of People. So many great things happen when you meet and get to know lots of people. #1 You get great at meeting, connecting, and building trusted relationships. #2 Life and success are a numbers game, so the more people you meet, the better the odds you’ll have all the relationships you need to achieve your goals personally and professionally.
  6. Take Care of Yourself, Your Health, and the People Around You. Without caring for your health, you can’t optimize your success and achieve your true potential. Your vibe is the X factor behind all your words and how you emotionally connect with others. The older you get, the more you can’t take your energy and vibe for granted, and your vibe and energy introduce you to others before words are spoken. 
  7. Give a Damn, Have a Heart, Mean It. Some people have this, and it’s obvious, and most don’t have it, and it’s obvious. The more you care and the more you connect your heart with your work, the better you’ll be at everything, and you’ll never burn out when your heart is aligned with your work mission. The more you care for others, the more others will take care of you. The more you care, the more gratitude and joy you experience. Extreme carrying is a key to getting better, not bitter in life.
Published inCharacterGrowth
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