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Hot Yoga

Happy Sunday Everyone:

What does 6’3, 250, 48 have in common with Hot Yoga, not much…but here I am.  Lulu lemon onesie, yoga mat, water bottle, towel, a candle…I’m ready to crush it.  Ok-so I’m joking on everything but the water bottle and towel.  An old friend reached out to me a couple of weeks ago to help with the fog and suggested I give it a shot with him.  In a weak moment, I said “ok”.

I will be unapologetic forever in talking about lessons I’ve learned, and am learning, from my dad, from his passing, from this whole experience.  One benefit I feel is having more of a “I don’t give a f attitude”.  It’s not irresponsible, or rebellious, it’s just a better sense of what to worry about and what not to.  I found myself in front of the yoga studio in my car waiting to see my friend so I could walk in with him.  Just like an out of shape person rolling into a gym for the first time, I felt like an outsider sitting in the parking lot watching these people roll into the studio.  I could see through the window, people are hugging, saying hi, getting settled, everyone seemed to know where they were supposed to go, where they were supposed to put their stuff.  Feels silly saying it now, but it was intimidating to watch.  I had previously asked my buddy, “what the hell do i wear?”.  He told me, then he followed up the text with “don’t worry, yoga people don’t judge”, which I thought was funny and now know to be true.  As I sat there, waiting for John, I finally said, “f it”, I jumped out of my car, rolled into the studio, was greeted by a nice lady at the counter,  I said “Hi-I’m Hunter, this is my first time being here” loud enough for others around me to hear too.  She lit up, said they were expecting me and was excited for me to be there.  She got me all set up, showed me my cubby hole, and told me what to expect.  Another guest welcomed me, helped me get my mat set up in the back, showed me where to get water, etc.  I had officially checked my ego at the door and felt 100lbs lighter.  I wasn’t trying to be anything I wasn’t I wasn’t trying to look like anything I wasn’t.  I was a guy doing hot yoga for the first time and enjoying being in that rookie skin.  Letting people help me, laughing at myself a bit, being open minded, trying things I’ve never tried before, it was awesome.   Fast forward 50 minutes, the yoga instructor is saying “hey Hunter, you’re doing great in the back”, as I’m sweating like a pig trying to execute on poses, I didn’t know my body could do in a room that’s 105 degrees.  I found the whole experience to be amazing.  Kim and I will be going together this Wednesday.

My points-
I’ve carried a decent sized ego around  my whole life.  It serves little to no purpose.  Egos prevent/minimize  newness.  Being vulnerable and caring “less” about looking a little silly or trying something new is good.  I need to remember this.
Being on the other side of someone’s vulnerability and how you show up to greet them means everything.  I’m sure the instructor and the guest haven’t thought a second about my first yoga night, but I have.  I’m going back in large part because of them.  I’m also now on the look out to pay it forward.  Be inclusive, not exclusive.
Not sure if I’m alone on this one but taking things a little less serious is a good thing.  You get further by being looser than tighter.
Honor the ones you’ve lost by living, searching, and growing.  A friend of mine lost his dad 22 years ago.  Joe would tell anyone in large part my own dad filled the void of Joe losing his.  My dad was his go to guy, he stepped up and stepped in to help.  When my own dad passed last month, Joe reached out and  told me my dad told him 22 years ago “you honor the deceased by living”….so here we are today, full circle.

Hope you all have an amazing Sunday.

Published inMindset
Site maintained by Hunter's friends over at Third Floor