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Holidays are What You Make Them

I don’t think I’m going to want to do Sunday Thoughts on Christmas, and don’t think anyone would read them if I did…and since I skipped last week, which my 99 year old Grammie reminded me of….I didn’t want another week to go by.

So I’ll start by saying Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate Christmas, and Happy Holidays to those who do not.

It’s an interesting time of year. Reality is there is more stress around the holidays than any other time of year….fairly certain that’s a fact and not just my opinion. We all spend a ton of money, we have tons of parties, we have in laws and family staying with us, we are planning vacations, eating too much, getting out of our daily routine…we are, did I mention, spending a ton of money!! So where does this leave most of us…..fairly stressed. Perhaps that’s why I found myself highly annoyed when Kim cut the limes in too big of pieces for cocktails for our neighborhood party, and letting her know of my dissatisfaction right before guests arrived (a-hole of the day award)….. Let’s talk about cousin eddy…..who has one? I do….I won’t call out the person by name but let’s just say it takes me being at my absolute best to handle him/her. What do I get when I’m not my best? Go quiet, judge them, go passive aggressive and complain to Kim…which ruins her Christmas…sound fun?

So here’s where I’m going……here’s how I’m thinking to get to my best during the holidays and perhaps you might need a little remind yourselves…..

1. Kim made me watch a 10 minute video before her family arrived last year by a catholic priest. The video was about not judging those around us, and instead accepting and appreciating everyone for what they were, and finding a strength or two, no matter how many weaknesses you may believe someone possessed. Easier said than done but I actually did this, and it worked…I’ll be doing it again in 3 hours!!

2. Engage all of these very different people in what is interesting to them. Ask questions, interesting or not….The reality is pickling vegetables is actually kind of interesting.

3. Keep in mind we owe it to our spouses/parents/kids/sisters/brothers/in-laws/friends to be bring the joy. Kim’s mom passed away 7 years ago today, she’s sick, and her dad is showing up with his new wife today….does she deserve my best? YES.

4. Use this time to tell those you care about how much you care about them, and why. It goes far beyond any material gift you can buy.

Final final-Sharing a gift, Erica, (my team captain) gave me. I came into the office Wednesday Morning to find this on my office wall, its 4 feet by 4 feet, has everything I need to make me focus on doing my best. One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received.

Merry Christmas!!

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