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Have It All 2

Happy Sunday Everyone: 

Retread from 1/3/2020 with a preface- I had an idea of what I wanted to write about today (8/20), but I was running yesterday, and I ran by Patty, the gal this previous Sunday Thoughts below is about.  I came up behind her with a large warning of “Good Morning, Patty, on your left”, so not to scare her.  Big smile on her face, GOOD MORNING, it reminded me of our moment together 3.5 years ago, so thought this was worth a redo.  People in our business need a little lightness right now.  This too shall pass.  We can’t make inventory and we can’t make rates go down, but we can control our thoughts.  I heard a quote Thursday “if you want to have a more peaceful and meaningful life, you need to have more peaceful and meaningful thoughts”.  I’d say the opposite is true too…”if you want to have a more stressed and anxiety-based life,  you need to have more stress and anxiety-based thoughts”, which many of us are currently running strong on.  I’m not saying keeping your fingers crossed and hope is the business model of the future, but we have control over our thoughts more than we give ourselves credit for.  Might be worth considering “is this thought helping or hurting me?” 

Sunday Thoughts from 1/3/2020

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Hitting the send button on this one took some time, but this experience was cool enough that the embarrassment of sending this to a large group is worth it (I think).  Probably my softest Sunday Thoughts in 7 years. 

I was out for one of my early morning runs last Wednesday, around 5:00AM.  Its dark and its cold and I’m typically alone out there with the exception of one older lady.  If I had to guess she’s  75-80 years old.  She’s tiny, she’s always all bundled up, fogged up glasses, hat, reflectors, etc.  When I run by her, I always wave my hand and keep on moving.   Normally I’m listening to audio books or podcasts, but Wednesday I just felt like listening to music. 

I’m a couple of miles into my run and a song comes on I had never heard.  I’m listening to the song and the lyrics and I’m literally getting happier as I’m running and I’m running faster and lighter.  As this is happening, I’m approaching the lady and feeling weird….instead of waving my hand, I say, “good morning” loudly, .and then as I pass her, I look back, put my hand up in the air and say, “you are amazing!!!” and at that moment the song ends and I hear her say “you are too sweetie”.   All of this is happening, and I just start crying.  I had such a high and such a feeling of  joy and gratitude that I literally just started having tears come down my face (yes this is the embarrassing part I didn’t want to share). 

I’m not exactly sure what happened on Wednesday morning, but I know I’d welcome that feeling again.  One thing I know for sure is I made that lady’s day, and she made mine, and our relationship will forever be different when I run by her (I’ll try to get a selfie for all of you next time:).   I guess that’s why I’m writing about this, the idea that we can all make someone’s day, and should.  Can you imagine how cool it would be to have the mindset of making someone else’s day every day?  It’s not hard, just requires a little extra thought and getting out of your comfort zone.  

I told my boys yesterday I was going to write about this and then played the song, they both  looked at me like I was nuts….so perhaps it’s an age thing.  

So, the name of the song is “Have it all” by Jason Mraz, I was going to list the lyrics but just go listen to it if you’re interested.

Published inPerspectiveReflection
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