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Great friends _ advice from Carol

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I wrote about my 5 year look back last month. Taking a variety of topics around personal/work/self and looking back to make sure I’m on a path I want to be on. The one area that required simply staying on the current course and not fixing anything was around friends. I believe I have the greatest friends, all of whom lift each other up, celebrate the wins of the others, all helping out with the losses, zero drama, all w/ the absolute best of intentions in all they do for one another, its pure gold and something I count to be one my biggest blessings.

4 of these friends are high school buddies and a year older than me. They were okay friends in high school, they’re best friends now (they were always best friends w/ one another). One of our friends mom, Carol, has late stage brain cancer. Carol was visiting from Texas last Friday so we gathered at Brad’s mom’s home for what I would now call a “celebration of life” party. Carol (also on these Sunday Thoughts) sat at the head of the table while these guys stood up and delivered 4 of the coolest impromptu speeches I’ve ever heard, honoring Carol’s life and showing complete and total gratitude for all that she had done for them throughout their lives. I sat there in awe of my friends. Realizing now I’m actually getting better at being present and all I could think about was that this experience was pure magic, and something I wish for everyone.

I asked Carol this question: “With where you are in your life right now, what would you tell me at 46”. Carol just looked around and said “all of this stuff i.e. the material, doesn’t matter, the only things that matters are your friends, your family, and your faith”. Carol was glowing as she said it to me, like she was handing me the keys to the kingdom in her answer and advice. Why wouldn’t I listen? Here is a woman who has lived life, she’s experienced everything, and her life on this earth is ending sooner than later, and she has a peace about her that is amazing.

I’m fully aware that these thoughts as of late have been big picture feel good stuff. It’s not intentional it’s just what I’ve been experiencing. I think I’ve mentioned “iron sharpens iron” 3 or 4 times as of late, I’m a huge believer in being intentional with this thought. There are so many ways to say it but you are who you hang out with. You hang around generous people, you become more generous, you hang out with people who don’t gossip, you stop gossiping, you hang out with great people and you will become better yourself. My friends are freaking awesome, I could write a book on all of them. If you’re hanging out with great people, keep doing it, if you’re not, switch gears.

As I know Carol is reading this today, Carol, we love you. Thank you for everything. You are a gift to so many!

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