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Happy Sunday Everyone:

Final Sunday Thoughts of the year. WHAT A CLUSTER. I went back and read my final Sunday Thoughts from 2019. I said I was confused in 2019 and 2020 was all about clarity. Only thing I’m clear on for 2020 is it will probably go down as the strangest year of all of our lives. It’s challenging to write when you don’t know if you’re all speaking my language or not but I’m feeling pretty funky.

2020 has caused some serious reflection for a lot people. Not all pandemic related but I’ve seen more friends move, I’ve seen more careers change, I’ve seen more marriages go sideways, I’ve seen more struggles for a lot of people, young and old, and all I can come back to is that it’s been strange, it’s been a little dark, and it’s been a kind of interesting too.

If I’m picking my word for 2021, I’m going with grace, definition #2, “courteous good will”. I think we could all use a little courteous good will toward others, but more importantly, toward ourselves. Perhaps this strikes a chord with me because I can be hard on myself, and I can be hard on those around me. Holding people accountable, including myself, is one thing, creating pain, including for myself, or others, is another thing, and it’s a fine line. I think there are more people that need the carrot more than the stick right now. I’m going purposeful in 2021 on accountability and grace, holding people accountable but doing so with grace, including me. Perhaps this sounds nuts but the amount of mental energy I spend beating myself up is really stupid, and completely counterproductive, it also puts me in a mode of doing the same to others….so if I can hold myself accountable while also giving myself some grace, I’ll pay that same messaging forward to those around me…most importantly, Kim and the boys. So my messaging to myself and those around me for 2021 is graceful accountability. I’m thinking this will help keep me on track and also allow me to enjoy the ride a little more, and if I’m enjoying the ride, those around me are probably enjoying it a bit more too. I can guarantee you my own team would like to enjoy the ride a bit more in 2021 compared to 2020.

I think a little grace will help us with ourselves and with those around us this coming year. How could you argue? if you don’t like what I’m saying here, show me a little grace!

As always, thanks for taking the time read these.

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