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Happy Sunday Everyone:

My mentor and very close friend, Don, asked me to read a book. I’ve mentioned Don in these many of times, he’s 82, he’s lived life to the absolute fullest. He’s a man of faith, wisdom, and character, all of which came through his life’s trials, tribulations, and victories. We’re going on 15 years of meeting every Tuesday morning, which i consider one of my true blessings in life. He asked me to read “The book of Joy“. Its about two very close friends spending 5 days together, those two friends are The Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu. Truth is I’m just starting it but what I’ve read, I love.

My favorite so far, and my lesson to myself on these Sunday Thoughts is these two mega stars of peace are about to head on stage for a speaking event, In my mind i can only imagine the properness, formality, and seriousness of the event. Difference here is as they’re going on stage The Dalai Lama has Desmond Tutu in a choke hold, Desmond Tutu then says “Hey, the cameras are on us, act like a holy man!”. I’m not sure if that’s a shock to anyone else but it was to me. I’m also not really sure why it struck me as anything other than funny, but it did. I personally love being a complete jack ass in the office. I enjoy fart machines, jumping around corners and scaring the crap out of people, practical jokes, you name it. Knowing I might be in alignment with the Dalia Lama brings me peace. I’m both joking and totally serious all in the same sentence.

A word that has been missing this past 15 months around the office is “fun”….We’re all very “efficient” but not so much fun. Justin Timberlake brought sexy back, I’m bringing fun back. The Dalia Lama just gave me permission to be a little less serious, the work is going to get done regardless, might as well have a little more fun along the way. Fun and humility have the same effect on people. I think people/employees are less intimated by people who are fun and people who are humble. Never really put that correlation together before but it’s true. Anytime you can put someone around you at ease, I think you’ll end up with better results, and if you can do that while having more fun along the way, sounds like a win to me. I don’t understand people who take pride in being intimidating, like it’s cool, its dumb.

Net net, if The Dalai Lama can take himself less serious, I can probably take myself less serious. It can only have a positive effect on me and those around me. My team members will all need to have eyes on the back of their heads for what I have coming for them!!

Have a fun rest of your Sunday!

Published inPerspective
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