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Fortunate with Gratitude

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Last year I wrote about 4 quadrants I believe we all fit into at any given point in time, and to a large degree, our entire lives. Those quadrants are:

* Fortunate with Gratitude.

* Fortunate without Gratitude.

* Unfortunate with Gratitude.

* Unfortunate without Gratitude.

I’m cutting and pasting from last year: “Pick 5 people in your life, pick yourself, what box do you fit in right now? Husband gets cancer and you stand by him, and are thankful, you’re unfortunate w/ gratitude. 90% of your life is kicking ass and you focus on the 10% that isn’t, fortunate without gratitude. Things aren’t going well for you, and you blame the rest of the world and are bitter, unfortunate without gratitude. Surround yourself w/ great people, things are going well, you take stock and recognize it, fortunate with gratitude.”

Fast forward to today, and with her permission, Jane Floyd, a very close friend, and core coach, is/was my living example of unfortunate with gratitude from the original Sunday Thoughts above. Hank, her amazing husband, has blood cancer and unfortunately it is not curable for him, something we didn’t know this time last year. Truth is we are heartbroken for The Floyd Family. In hearing some new news on Hank’s condition, their family decided to move up Christmas. Some of us, sent early Christmas Cards and ornaments from our various cities just to shed a little extra love on their family.

So aside from sharing a sad story in the hopes of causing some reflection for the rest of us, why am I sending this? I’m attaching the video (again with Jane’s permission), that she sent to a few of us that sent cards to her family. All I could think about in watching this video is how incredibly strong Jane is, how much I can learn from her, and how grateful I am to have someone like her in my life.

Please take 90 seconds to watch this. For me, I have to remember the situation her family is currently in to grasp and appreciate not only her strength, but also her advice. In the end, Jane would tell you she’s fortunate with gratitude and we can all learn from her.

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