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Eternal Wisdom

My buddy Dayton told me a while back, if I don’t have anything to say, go to the archives vs. not sending anything.  As I sit here looking through the archives, I can’t help but always go back to the advice my Grammie shared at 100 years old (my all-time favorite).  She’s the mentor of my life (she’s been gone for 3.5 years now).  Sunday Thoughts is a version of journaling for me.  I certainly don’t stick with every good habit that comes my way, but I’ve stuck with this one for quite some time and I’m grateful for it.  I’ve read my Grammie’s advice 100 times at this point.  I don’t think I’d have remembered it once had I not written it down.  Her advice to me today is as meaningful as anytime in my life, and I think many of you as well.

Personally, I think the whole thing is worth the read but for those that have read it before, you can skip to the Q/A if you need to.  Have a great rest of your Sunday.

If there was ever a Sunday Thought you should read, I believe this is it. I’m in San Diego right now and just finished celebrating my Grammie’s 100th Birthday. Not even sure where to start with her description….The Dalia Lama would find her fascinating. She still lives in her home, she still walks every day, she still does yoga, meditation, she has two book clubs, she has other clubs….she has faith, she’s spiritual, she’s on Facebook, she e-mails, she loves her iphone…She’s tiny, yet a giant, she’s frail yet as strong as anyone I’ve ever known. She is the epitome of a life well lived….not an easy life at all….she grew up with zero, raised primarily by a single mom. She and her brother grew up in a hotel room in San Diego (not the 4 seasons). Her brother, also an amazing person, passed away 3 weeks ago at the age of 95. A life well lived to me, is defined by the progression of one’s life from start to finish. She would be the first to tell you she’s not perfect, but she’s more perfect today than any other time in her life. She has never stopped learning; she’s never slowed down on her own personal growth. I’ve talked about my desire to be more curious…..she is the most curious person I’ve ever known, and therefore is more interesting to every person who is lucky enough to have an encounter with her. She is the definition of cool. You talk to her for an hour and your happiness bucket will rise to the top. You will leave her presence and be better for it. Perhaps that’s why 110 people showed up for her birthday party.

So why do I think this is the Sunday Thought everyone should read? I asked her a few questions below and she responded. I don’t think there are too many opportunities in life to hear advice from someone who has lived to be a 100 and has lived that life how it should be lived. How many times have you listened to advice from someone you respect and admire, and that advice changed the course of your life? I’m hopeful more than once. I think we all need to hear advice from people we respect, and then do something with it. So below are the questions…I am obviously the Q, and Grammie is the A. there is zero word smithing on my part……all of this was done through email. Below is simply the copy and paste…..I didn’t want to change anything.

Hi Hunter–These may well not be what you are looking for–this is just me.

Q: What are three things you are most grateful for?

A. The Love from and for my husband, and my family from birth, to the present.

A. All the experiences of my long life, both positive and negative. I have learned
and hopefully matured from them as I have accepted them and integrated the
lessons learned into my life.

A. My home in a “nature” setting, peaceful and relaxing.

Q What advice would you give your younger self?
A. Put forth your best effort in all that you do. Have faith that all is turning out for the best,
no matter how it may look on the surface at the time. Sometimes we find out later that
something else that developed was better.

Q. What is one thing that turned out to be more important than you realized?

A. The study of child psychology to help with raising a family. That developed into the study
of my own human nature and acceptance of all of it. The result: As I accepted all of my
self, especially the repressed parts (or my shadow) I found judgmentalism of others fading
away, and accepting them for who they are. (not necessarily liking their behavior).

Q. What is one thing that you thought was important, but wasn’t?

A. Status–financially, socially, etc. ( Do not compare yourself to others.)

Q. What advice would you give to the people reading this, now that you’re 100?

A. Be aware consciously of your own highest values and stay true to them, regardless of the
cultural values around you,

from Robert Frost – – -The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a wood, and
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

(It has!) Love you,

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