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Ego vs. Soul

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Full transparency, I do not feel like doing this right now. Skip it? Send out crap? what’s the better alternative? Will do my best to make it count.

We had our virtual summit last week for coaching. First time it’s ever been done and it actually went better than most of us could have anticipated. My buddy, Oleg and I were teaching together. We had a class of 230 people on zoom. As we were preparing for our class, one of us said “what do we need to do to wow all of them”…okay, truth is Oleg said it. He meant it to be positive but it got me thinking a lot after the fact about what it means if “WE” wow “THEM”. Oleg and I do more loans than just about anybody in attendance, and Oleg more than me, so if we “wow” them, how does that leave “them”.

I was running a few days before the class and I kept thinking about our egos vs. their needs. Our egos win when we walk away from that class with 230 people saying “WOW, those guys are amazing AND I can never do what they do” but as coaches/mentors/friends, we lose massively, we miss the whole point. Oleg and I got back together, we talked about this, and both agreed 100% we wanted to teach an incredible class and have them say “wow” but only because they walked away feeling empowered w/ tactics and perhaps a different mindset, and way of looking at their business moving forward. This isn’t new news but something I need to constantly remind myself of, which is the fact that my ego will always be in direct opposition of growth and helping myself and others. My ego wants to stand on top and pound my chest, my soul wants to be humble and helpful. For me personally, I can tell you my ego fights harder to stay out in front, especially if I’m not doing exercises to have my soul compete for the top spot.

Call it a coincident but my CEO sent me a txt just after the class with the below attachment and simply said “I found this to be a very relevant read”. This sums up ego vs. soul better than anything I can come up with on my own.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Perhaps we can all spend a little more time this week thinking of Soul vs. Ego.

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