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Egg Sandwich

Happy Sunday Everyone:

In the name of being useful, I figured I’d go big and try to get the “dad of the year” award from Jack and Thomas. Kim and I had to head out of town Thursday afternoon for a wedding on the coast, so I figured these two would wake up to the two greatest breakfast sandwiches of all time before we head out. On the flap top I prepare 4 pieces of extra thick pepper bacon w/ the bacon press for extra flatness/crisp, I pull out the model bakery English muffins (Famous in Napa, I think they run $4/piece), American cheese from behind the deli counter, the white one, home made circular mold for the perfect egg cook job, I am dialed. Butter/salt/pepper, it’s all coming together. These two masterpieces are coming off the griddle and being wrapped in single piece aluminum foil….little extra steam to melt the cheese perfectly. I’m feeling like its Christmas, I’m Santa, and I want to see the kids come down the stairs to see the gifts I’ve bestowed upon them. Santa/SuperDad is in the house.

Thursdays the boys have to be out of the house at 8:20. Jack comes down at 8:10, Thomas is still working his way to the shower after being told to “GET UP” 8 times. Jack opens up the tinfoil, takes a look, takes two bites, looks at me says “thanks dad but I’m not really hungry”. Thomas finally get down stairs at 8:18, takes the ball of tinfoil and heads out, up to the point of these thoughts, I have yet to hear of the master piece quality or the appreciation for it. So the house is quiet, the kitchens a mess, and I’m pissed. I think the term “spoiled little xxxxxxxxx” went through my head 100X. I explained my feelings to Kim and her response, as you might imagine, was a simple “now you know how I feel”.

So this is both serious and also totally light hearted for me. I love my boys and I think they are awesome, and they are, but it reminds me of a few different things for them, and for me.

– I have done this to my own mom so would like to publicly apologize for comparing her Italian sandwich attempts to Mrs. Bruno’s. I’m sorry Mom!! the effort was appreciated, now so more than ever!

– Note to myself. Laugh at this experience. Broader picture, check with them if they want the world’s greatest breakfast sandwiches before putting in the effort. This actually does remind of a great team member I still have with me. This person, working to provide value to our team, would go off and spend days working on something, come back to present it to me, only for me to say “not the direction we are going”. Once we agreed it would make more sense to run the concept by me first, then allocate time/effort towards it, perfection w/ minimal frustration on their part.

– Note for boys, and I do mean this with a heavy dose of lightheartedness, put yourselves in a position for people to want to make your world better by showing appreciation for the effort. This really is a big picture thought for all of us. Perfect world is we do things without the need for validation/confirmation of value. Literally written in the Bible, do things for others without expectations of return or accolades. I want to be that person, but while I’m being human, it’s always more fun to do things for others who appreciate your efforts. I have a lot of people who do a lot of very nice things for me. Some are family, some are friends, some are team members, there is a laundry list of people on a daily basis who make my world better, and I’m not sure I show the appreciation of those efforts like I should, although I do truly try!

This experience is a simple reminder for me, and hopefully for you, to take the time to say “thank you”. There is big picture gratitude, and there is simple appreciation that we can show on the smallest things. As I sit here and type I think how fun it would be to be on alert for how many people make my day better on a real time basis. As I’m checking out of the hotel room, I’m thinking of the folks that service my room, and how easy it is for me to leave a little note that says “thank you” with a little cash left behind, happening now. Humanize the human experience…..okay…that’s probably a little deep, but it’s also very true.

Let’s say “thank you” to a lot of people today!!

Published inGratitude
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