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Details Matter

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Coach of the month…..that’s what I am. CORE doesn’t warn you when its coming….they just tell you the first day of the month you’re “coach of the month”. It means 400 of your closest friends get a glimpse into your current month (hopefully it’s a good month). They get to see my profit and loss statement, personal family budget (net worth, the whole enchilada) and then all of my business efforts for the month (greatness tracker, pay log, lead tracker etc…). Sharing your net worth certainly isn’t for everyone….7 years into this journey, I honestly could care less. To some its impressive, to others, they probably feel sorry for me, it’s all relative. The point of it is the simple fact that the proof is in the pudding. If we’re going to charge you a lot of money to help you make more, save more, and give more away, then you have every right to see what your coach’s financial picture, business practices, etc…looks like. The hard truth is you walk away thinking “I’d like to emulate that”, or “why the hell am I paying to watch this guy?” I’m hopeful for the former.

What I realized though, more than anything in this effort was how important the details are. It’s one thing to do a monthly budget, and all the other things that go along with our coaching, it’s another thing when you have to share it with 400 people. I wish I had paid closer attention to certain details, of course in hind sight. How different would your effort be, how many corners would you not cut, if you knew everyone was watching you? I would have made more, I would have saved more, and I would have given more away, had I paid closer attention to the details, I’m certain of this. The details are the difference between good and great. Consistent execution of the details is what separates us from our competition. I had the pleasure of sitting down with two Realtor Teams this week to discuss what made each group successful, challenges in the market, efficiencies to be had etc…The two teams combined closed $250 mill in production last year. What I took away from the meeting was the simple fact that they both paid massive attention to the details that separated them from their competition. Important thing is they understand very clearly what are the details that separate them, and they focus on those. Those are the details that never get missed. There is a balance of understanding what are the details that can never get over looked, and what are the details that don’t matter. Be smart on the details. What are the details that differentiate you from the competition? What systems do you have in pace to make sure they never get overlooked? This is a big deal, the consistency of the execution of the details is as important as the details themselves. They go hand in hand.

People work with people they like and trust. When I think of people I trust, for some reason, they all pay attention to the details.

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