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Dazed and Confused

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I put a pork butt on the green egg this morning at 6:00AM.   I’ve now been sitting here trying to figure out what I want to write about for 2 hours.  Was thinking another archive, writer’s block in full affect.  I seriously wish you could be in my head.  It sounds something like this “what archive should i choose”, “i’ve lost it”, “who reads these anyways”, “if I send something out and it sucks, that’s the start of the end”, “maybe it’s time to be done with Sunday Thoughts”, ” I love doing this”,  “this helps me clarify my thoughts which is why i started doing it in the first place”, “go for a run, come back, maybe something will be there”.  I’m still sitting here!

What’s crazy is as I was looking through my archive of Sunday Thoughts, I clicked on the date July 15th, 2018, title is “Pain of completing vs. pain of regret for quitting“.  I couldn’t see the title, just the date.  Clarity has now kicked in and I’m left sitting here somewhat refreshed.  You might be thinking “what the hell is he talking about”.  What I’m currently recognizing is that we need to stumble, we need to be confused, we need to question, we need to feel that discomfort of “what the f”, in order to work through the issues.  The original Sunday Thoughts is about the physical pain of continuing a run vs. the pain of regret for quitting the run and starting to walk.  Physical examples of quitting vs. not, are easier to visualize but there are a ton of mental examples too.  How we problem solve,  how we deal with so many issues we, or people we know, are facing today.  Allow me to overdue this very small example of getting these out today, there is just a bit more comfort in the discomfort, and anytime that happens, I’m growing, and it feels good.

With our businesses today, with the state of our world, which feels a little out of whack, I could use tools/experiences to help me work through bigger challenges I have.  Working through little things, like this, help build a better foundation, and for that I’m grateful.

I appreciate you taking the time to read these today.  I do realize I may have left you confused but I’m reminded of why I do these in the first place, and now feel great heading into the rest of my Sunday.  Hope you have a great Sunday too!

Published inMindset
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