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Control What You Can Control

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I took a couple of weeks off.  I’m not sure I’d call it writer’s block as opposed to not wanting to share everything that’s in my head, my heart, my concerns etc.   I’m not looking for sympathy but having Covid in December, I still wake up every day with what feels like a head/chest cold, I can’t taste or smell, and I’m a little light on energy.  Take into account rates moving up, take into account inventory being down, and then throw in Russia invading Ukraine, and I’m having some questions on what the hell do I write about and why does someone want to hear from me given everything that’s going on in the world.   As I re-read what’s above, sounds like I’m not in a good place and it’s not the case at all, just questioning topics, which is really all part of this Sunday Thoughts.

I was talking  to one of my good buddies last week about where my head was with everything.  He simply said back to me “control what you can control”.   Perhaps it’s easier said than done, but is it?  What is completely out of my control is that the world has been thrown off its axis, globally you have a pandemic, you have a possible world war, economically you have rising rates and very low inventory, and personally, I have my own outcome from covid, and not feeling so hot.  When you sit back and start at the top, it throws you off, it feels out of control, which for me brings massive levels of anxiety, concern, fear, and overall not a good head space. When I take a chill pill (not literally although I know they exist), and start looking at what I can control, I gain clarity, fear goes away, concerns go away, anxiety drops, and head space improves.  So focus on what I can control.  

What can I control?

  • Health-See doctor vs. going through every day like it’s going to just get better.  Eat better, my God, if you can’t taste, eat better, put nutrients in my body, take care of myself.  I will meal prep today for this week.  BORING yes, but it’s in my control.  Keep up with push up challenge/walk 2 miles a day until I improve.  
  • Self-stay committed to morning ritual (meditate, journal, read), gratitude journal.  
  • Work-I stay committed to everything I coach on.  I made 170 calls week before last, it felt great.  Help business partners, clients, and coaching students understand how to succeed in this market.  Not the point of this Sunday Thoughts to go into those details, but it’s working.  Has everything to do with being direct to understand how committed you are to thriving in this environment.  My calendar, time blocking, understanding my top 3 actionable items daily need to be in place and executed on.
  • Global affairs-I wish I could help more but all I can control is my own prayer/thoughts.  Contribute to charitable groups in alignment with my views on what is happening between Russia/Ukraine.  I haven’t done this yet but telling you that’s the only thing I can control from my perspective.  

I’ve said many of times these thoughts are more for me than anyone else.  It causes me to think through things 10X vs. writing it down once.  I have heard one of the ways this helps others is the simple fact that topics I discuss are on the hearts/minds of some of you.  So if that’s the case here, I might suggest you list out what you know you can control and execute on it.  Having this printed on my white board, and being on my mind consistently, helps me get back on track quickly.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Published inMindset
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