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Happy Sunday Everyone:

I’ve been working on a little mental project for myself which is to be aware of cause and effect of different activities. To be aware of an emotion that is being created by an activity I’m doing. Goal for this activity for me is to “hopefully” get in a position where I’m doing more things that I love doing, and stop doing things I dont…Pretty simple, and I don’t think I’m the first to try to tackle this subject. With that said, I would question how many of us understand the concept of a project like this but actually do nothing with it. I keep this in my Evernote, notebook is called “personal growth”, and note is called “head check”.

As an example, and the only reason Sunday Thoughts are going out today, an old coaching student texted me a bit ago to say he’s on day 208 of the push up challenge I did last year. He took a picture of a text string with his group doing the challenge. On the string is a buddy I work with in San Diego. They didn’t know each other before I connected them, one is in Seattle, one in San Diego, and they’re now doing this challenge together because of me. Might not sound like a big deal but I realize for me, I love connecting people. I love the way it feels to sit back and see relationships grow because of seeds I helped plant. Doesn’t mean these guys are best friends but they are in this together, and they’re accomplishing something together that is really hard to do, and I had something to do with it, that feels amazing to me. Note to self, be purposeful in connecting people.

For me, all of this has to do with the need to find and gain more clarity in everything I do, and help those around me do the same. I love the saying; If everything is important, then nothing is important. It takes clarity to understand what is important, and for me what is important is finding things that I love to do, and do more of them. Bringing people together is something I love doing. I’m in a position to do that, so I need to do more of it, I need to scale bringing people together. Recognize that and make it a priority. The “how” is a different thought for a different day, but the clarity of it is liberating. Like I’ve got the cake mix, now I just need to put it all together, but I know I’m not fighting an uphill battle, I’m actually sitting in my sweet spot. Sweet spot= recognition of something you’re good at + brings you joy + you’re doing something to bring it to reality (yes I just made this up).

As a side note: I wrote the first paragraph and then stared at my computer for 30 minutes. I then got up, went for long run, came back and finished this up in 5 minutes. Cause and effect of different activities, running gets my brain firing, always.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

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