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Christmas Tree Guy

Happy Sunday Everyone:

We’ve been going to the same lot for the past 10 years to get our Christmas tree. These guys are awesome, they drive down from Oregon before Thanksgiving, they set up shop in a parking lot by our house, they sleep in trailers for a month, and then head back home a week before Christmas. We’ve gotten (I know this isn’t a word, mom) to know a couple of them through the years, it’s just fun to see a face you don’t necessarily expect to see again but when you do, it’s refreshing.

We showed up this year, I saw our original guy, caught up with him for a bit, when we met him he had no kids, had just been married, now he’s up to 3 boys, super fun. He introduced us to a new guy, Steve, to help us in finding the perfect Marckwardt Family Christmas tree of 2021. Once we found it, Steve asked if we’d like the stand put on and if we’d like the bottom trimmed…DUH…YES. I’m as handy as handless, not literally, but close, light bulbs are a victory in my world. So Steve is working hard to get the stand on and it’s not happening. I’m watching the effort and I’m thinking something isn’t right here. Finally my old friend comes over and helps out Steve, within a minute, the stand is on and all is well. Then it’s time for the trimming, again, Steve is just a bit off, super nice guy, but just struggling a bit. Again, my guy comes over with what appears to be a ninja sword, and takes 4 giant swings as he’s walking around the tree, and it’s perfect. I’m watching Steve as all of this is happening, he’s taking it all in, no ego, just watching and learning. Steve looks at me and says “I got this”. I’m thinking “damn right you do brother”, I wish I had said it but I didn’t but I love this stuff. Here is a guy at a Christmas tree lot, learning, great attitude, growing, totally comfortable in his own skin.

We’re checking out, paying for the tree, Steve and my old guy are chatting (yes, I don’t know the guy’s name, which will be fixed next year). I set down a larger than normal tip for Steve and he looks at all of us and says “well that’s encouragement for me to just keep on being me”. I SWEAR THIS TO BE TRUE. Kim looks at me at me and says “well there is a Sunday Thoughts”….how great is that “well that’s encouragement for me to just keep on being me”.

So what’s my point on this Sunday Thoughts before Christmas? Look for the good in people and acknowledge it when you find it. There is plenty of good to be found but you have to be on the lookout. I’ve said a few times now but I can be a fault finder vs. a good finder, when I switch gears and look for the good my world is a heck of a lot better which leads to a level of fulfillment that truly rocks me to my core. I get annoyed with myself for having any other outlook other than to be a good finder, at the same time, I think I appreciate it that much more because it’s not natural for me. Net net-be on the lookout for good people today, for good actions, for overall goodness, and when you find it, call it out and watch what happens, you’ll be pleased, I promise!

Enjoy your Sunday!!

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