Our celebrations of lives will be based on the meaningful relationships we had in our lifetimes, not much else.
by Hunter Marckwardt
Our celebrations of lives will be based on the meaningful relationships we had in our lifetimes, not much else.
Happy Sunday Everyone, and a special shout out to all you Dad’s out there!!
If we spent our days making someone else’s day, in everything we did, and how we conducted ourselves…pretty good recipe for a life well lived and a simple road map to follow. Give/Receive.
At this stage of my life and my career, my priority is on the relationships, not the transactions. Is it scalable? I don’t really know, and not sure I care.
For as long as I’ve done these, I’ve started off with “Happy Sunday Everyone”, today, not so much. We lost the greatest man I’ve ever known on 12/21.
It’s never been easier to call a compadre and start the conversation with “are you slow”…and then 15-30 minutes later getting off that call w/ less energy than you started. As a salesperson, this is a really bad recipe for success.
The point for me is to continue to hang around high quality, high caliber people who hold me accountable to be the best version of me.
So here I am, running, listening to this piece about loneliness and the need for human connection, while witnessing the ultimate example of human connection, someone helping someone else. I can’t make this stuff up. It was freaking amazing.
I’m going to finish typing this, I’m going to get in my car, and I’m going to take my dad for a ride. Yes life can get crazy but we need to keep the irrelevant crap in check and focus on the stuff that matters, which for me has everything to do with honoring the relationships I have with the people I love.
To tell your son, “you are me, and I am you, so I understand what it’s like”, was liberating for both of us. It made me appreciate his struggle so much more and as important, to help him find resolution (and me). I’d like to think when he and I think clearly, our thoughts are as good as they get, some serious goodness comes on the other side of our own personal Geronimo’s.