How do you know if your perception of your value is actually valuable in the eyes of your clients/business partners?
by Hunter Marckwardt
How do you know if your perception of your value is actually valuable in the eyes of your clients/business partners?
I don’t care what business you’re in, what you do, what you’re selling, if you have the opportunity to talk to the #1 person in their field, you have to take note. If you have any desire to improve your business, you have to compare notes against someone who is succeeding at a higher level than you.
Great moments are created when we don’t feel like saying yes, but know we should, and actually say “yes”.
When I take a trip down memory lane, when I look at these 5 year visions that all have some detail around family, personal, financial, faith, love life, health, it’s amazing to see the progression, excuse the language but the sh%t works!!
I can proudly say at 47, and something that I know to be 100% true is if you focus on your own internal goodness, everything else compounds on the outside.
I hold the keys to my internal castle, and to get those doors unlocked first will allow for everything else to fall in place.