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Being Useful

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I told Kim what I wanted to write about, and she told me that it’s a little repetitive. This caused another thought for me…that there are a lot of good ideas out there that are repetitive. For me, depending on where I am at any given stage of my life, some things sync in, some don’t. I could have my coach teach me something that I flat our ignore, and then it comes up again a year later, and changes my life. This is a very long winded way of me saying that I apologize if this is repetitive, but its great stuff for me and hopefully will help you.

My sleep sucks. It always has, but Sunday Nights are the worst of them all. Anxiety usually hits me about 2:30AM and I’m done. As Kim says, the hamster wheel is in full swing. This past Sunday Night was no different. I found myself up at 3:00, downstairs by 3:15…starting my routine a little earlier than normal. I get out of my pool after my run and I’m sitting on my big leather gray chair thinking of all the “stuff” I have to work on. Different projects at our company, different things that are working and not working with my personal production, coaching, students, Kim, and the boys. I kind of wish you could all be there for a moment. As I am sitting there thinking about all of this stuff, I finally have this complete peace come over me, like not a worry in the world. The thought that came through my head to create that feeling was the reminder, which apparently is slightly repetitive now, of “just be useful”. With every project I’m working on, with every coaching student I’m working with, with every client I speak to, with Kim, the boys, etc…..”just be useful”. If I can just focus on being useful, everything else falls into place, it’s that simple.

I spent the whole week focused on being useful, I talked to my team about it, I talked to business partners about it, I talked to some friends about it. Everyone seemed to get the same feeling coming over them. The simplicity of not just being useful but the consistent question throughout the day of “am I being useful” keeps me on track.

Repetitive, yes, but important for me. I’ll continue to focus on being useful and hope you do to.

Have a great rest of your Sunday.

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