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Be Your Best Every Single Day

Team-3rd time is a charm….i apologize…the Sunday thoughts somehow got encrypted….if this doesn’t work, it wasn’t meant to be today.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my attitude, my team, my leadership style, and judging my actions and those of the people around me. Personally, I just came off the best year I’ve ever had in business, and it felt less “great” than I expected. I’m not sure what I was expecting but as I think through it more and more, I’ve come to two big points (for me); if I take too much time and attention from other very important things in my life (i.e. family/friends/faith) to concentrate just on business, I’ll feel less “great” at the finish line; and the bigger point is that I genuinely think its more about the journey and less about the final outcome. I know that last statement is on a ton of motivational posters throughout the world but as I grow up a tad, some of those sayings in life, actually start to take shape and be recognized, which is kind of cool.

I don’t mean for this to sound negative at all. I think it’s a great thing for me to understand more and more that its about the daily actions/attitude/balance/results more than the final outcome. Its about showing up big every single day, in every single way possible. Its about having a positive attitude every single day. Its about expecting and demanding those around you to do the same. I understand we can’t be perfect. I understand everyone is going to have a bad day, but if we focus, and help our teams focus, on being the best every single day, one of two things will happen…they will start to change along side of you and up their game, or you’ll realize you might not have the right people on your bus…either outcome is great to understand.

I cant stand the Seahawks but I love Russell Wilson. He said he envisions every single game he plays in as those it’s the championship game. Why can’t we do that? Why can’t we treat our days like that? Our phone calls like that? Our team meetings like that? Our client appointments like that? Less is more in 2015. Be more purposeful in 2015 with everything we do, and our outcomes will be bigger/better, and more meaningful. Side note: Russell Wilson is the same guy who is #1 QB in the county, making 672K/year (obviously that will change soon but still), and visits his local children’s hospital every single Tuesday. He’s a role model for us all. He works his butt off, he’s humble, he give back a ton, and he leads by example.

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