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Be Gracious

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Full disclosure. I’m on day four of my buddies member/guest golf tournament. I’m not allowed to be behind the wheel of a car and I’m not 100% sure I should be allowed to type but I’ve missed the last two weeks of Sunday thoughts due to travel and didn’t want it go any longer.

my partner and I have known each other since high school. We don’t see each other a ton but when we do, it’s really good stuff. What I’ve never realized, probably because my heart/head wasn’t in it, which is to say my mindset was different, is how gracious my friend is. He’s the best host on the planet. everything is taken care of for me….he has my golf balls purchased, new glove, tees, cocktails, everything….whatever I can think of has already been taken care of. more than the purchases though, he’s always out in front….fixes my ball marks, helps me read putts…..if you’re a golfer, you get it. When I’m hanging around him, he makes me want to be more gracious. What do I need to do to be more gracious? I need to give more than I get. I need to give without worrying about reciprocation. I need to have a mindset of plenty vs. scarcity. I need to be totally unselfish. I need to hang out with givers. I need to have gratitude. I need to find the positives in all situations. I need to focus on my friends/families strengths vs. focusing on their weaknesses.

Being gracious is the start of it all. When I try to think through it (which I’m doing now) gratitude is having appreciation for what you receive (in all capacities), being gracious is the proactive decisions we get to make through our days/lives to make other people’s lives better. Make sense? hope so.

heading back out to the course:)

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