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As a Family We Set Goals

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Currently typing this as a I fly to San Antonio. Sitting next to a guy who makes me look tiny, I’m squished up against the side of my seat like I’m in a test tube.

This is the first year as a family we did goal setting for next year. Far from New Year’s resolutions, it’s a path for us to all be in sync with where we are now and where we want to be throughout the year. The boys gave me their initial “you’ve got to be kidding me, dad” look, but what came out of it was pretty amazing, they actually loved doing it, as did Kim. What’s wrong with a 12 and 14 year old having a better understanding of where they want to be with their faith, school, friends, sports, and family and writing it down? I skipped through 34 years of my life without really having a plan. It’s not to suggest I’d redo those 34 years, not the case at all, but I do wish I had understood the importance of having a written plan earlier. The plan can change but to have it written out gives us something to review often and hold ourselves accountable for not forgetting our purpose and our plan, especially in our weaker moments. As important, when you share it with people you care about, it allows them to help you stay on your plan, especially your own family. I fully get that many of you could read this and laugh it off, not take it serious, not do it, this would have been me 9 years ago. All I can tell you is the proof is in the pudding. I muddled along in this business for 6 years, then I wrote down a plan and committed to it, was held accountable to execute on it, and took my income up a ton and created a better life for myself and those around me. It’s not just about the money, it’s about being purposeful in understanding your purpose. I just redid my 5 year plan, it involves being a husband, a father, an employer, a friend, a leader, it’s all encompassing of what I want my life to look like in 5 years, and it will happen.

Below is something I added to the end of my 5 year plan, it’s not the plan but it’s daily reminders that will get me to where I’m going.

General thoughts that have gotten me here. I can do anything. Nothing is above me or below me. Respect from others comes from leading by example. Don’t ever take myself too serious. Don’t ever let someone else impact my confidence in myself. Learn from everything and everyone. Listen more than I speak. Hang out with big positive people. Wasting time is wasting life, don’t do it. Identify rat holes quickly. Get paid. Impact lives. Don’t ever tell someone they can’t do something, especially my kids. Be present. Don’t ever forget the purpose behind the process. Give uncomfortably. The rent is due every day. delayed gratification wins. Never disrespect my wife. write it down. follow my plan. don’t judge anyone else. Play my own game. Be kind to everyone. Allow everyone into my life. Think big. Be a role model. Am I proud of who I am when no one is watching? Show gratitude daily. Forgive. doing is better than thinking. recognize what brings me joy and do more of it. Say yes to everything my boys want to do with me. Have discipline. What does my funeral look like? Leave my mark.

Wishing you all a very prosperous and happy new year!!

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