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Mean What You Say

Happy Sunday:

Traveling back today from our coaching Summit and it was awesome. Brain is a little fried from intake of info so will keep this light but hopefully worth the read for you.

I went for a run Wednesday morning at the hotel. This was after hanging out with all of my pals and going to bed around 2:00AM…needless to say I was feeling less than perfect. Door man opens the door with a huge smile, looks me in the eyes and says “good morning sir”….he meant it, I felt it, and I smiled back with the same response. I’m out about 1/2 mile, run by someone, don’t say anything, and then get a weird thought and decide I’m going to say “good morning” to everyone…not just a good mannered “hello” but like a little on the “is this guy crazy side”….some of the responses:

1. 75 year old man (no, I don’t know his exact age but he was older and struggling). I say “good morning brother, we’re running today”…..he high 5’s me and says good morning w/ a huge smile.

2. old lady walking to a bus stop…I say “good morning sunshine”….scare her at first but then comes back with a “oh my, good morning to you too”.

3. guy mowing the golf course on a ride mower….I give him the rocky balboa jabs and then wave with a smile….He gives me two thumbs up and smiles back. I saw every single tooth this guy had…HUGE SMILE.

4. 3 women across the street (a big street)…I scream and wave “GOOD MORNING”…..all 3 wave back with a smile and then look at each other laughing.

My own take aways.

1. It’s up to us to switch gears. Run started feeling awful/tired/and didn’t want to be there. Make 1 decision to smile and say good morning to people and next thing I know I’m running on air.

2. putting a smile on someone’s face is really easy to do. and feels great.

3. pay it forward. door man makes me smile, I made at least 15 other people smile…who knows what they did with it. perhaps nothing but still made them smile.

4. being a little outrageous makes life a lot more interesting, and fun.

5. It’s impossible not to have more gratitude for life when you say hi to others and smile…that’s a fact.

Do me a huge favor and try this today, say hi to everyone…even if they’re not looking at you. You’ll either read this and say “weak”…or you’ll give it a shot and know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t be a lame ass.

BTW-Doesn’t matter who you voted for, we need more unity than we do separation. Saying hi to people starts us on the right path…gets us all on the same team straight out of the gates.

Happy Sunday Everyone.

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