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Mr. X

Happy Sunday Everyone:

Jack just graduated.  He’s heading off to college in September, something Kim and I find amazing for him, and sad for us.  When Kim and I set out on the voyage of parenthood, we said the one thing we wanted our boys to be above all else, was kind, and we have that in Jack.  I’m proud to have him as my son.

I think I’ve mentioned, Jack started a hauling business during Covid, picking up junk, moving furniture, etc.  He and I had a deal for every dollar he made that he chose to invest vs. spend, I’d match it, I probably should have thought twice on that one.   He’s now bypassing me and meeting with my financial advisor directly on setting up his own account now that he’s 18.  My financial advisor loves it.

I have a friend across town who Jack also knows.  Not well but from growing up in the same town, little league coaching, swim team, etc.  One of those guys that makes kids feel welcome, engages with them, asks questions, etc.  This guy is highly successful as an entrepreneur, including companies that are involved with some form of junk.  Jack asked me a about a month ago if he could reach out to Mr. X,   I said “of course” and gave him his contact.  After second guessing himself a few times, Jack finally reached out, albeit a little nervous about the request.

Fast forward, Jack meets w/ Mr. X.  I told Jack ahead of time, as my dad has always told me, show up with a pen, paper, and ton of questions when you’re asking someone for their time, their advice, their help.  Jack meets Mr. X at the coffee shop, Mr. X says, “let’s go for a walk”.  He spends an hour and half w/ Jack, asking Jack questions, explaining his own business, his own thoughts.  As Jack would tell me later, he was more prepared for the meeting w/ his own notes than Jack was.  Jack called me after the meeting and said “Dad, that was the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my life”.  I was both excited for Jack and totally offended at the same time.

There is a ton of advice/thoughts Mr. X. gave Jack but that’s not my point today.  My point is this, there are a lot of really good people in this world, and a lot of those people are very successful in their trade.  More people than not go based on the assumption that those people are too busy, too successful, don’t want to share secrets to their success etc.. And I would say it is the exact opposite.   Good people are out there, and they want to help.  I believe the good people question what stamp they’re going to leave on this planet, and I believe as they grow older, that stamp shifts from accomplishment to the desire to pay it forward.  As time goes on, priorities shift in all of us.  Good people go from, me (beginning), us (middle), them (in the end).  I believe Mr. X was more excited about the “ask” from Jack than anything, the opportunity to pay it forward.  The opportunity to help someone else grow.

For all of us, we don’t need to be 18 years old.  I seek wise counsel at 47 from people who have gone before me.  Those people are excited to help me, to advise me, to ask me questions to see if my thought process is right, to challenge me.  The personal board of directors concept is not new news but it’s both underutilized, and underappreciated.

Mr. X. sent me this txt “Jack is an amazing young man. Very impressed. I am going to help him in any way I can”.  Jack proactively sought out wise counsel.   He now has a very good person, a very smart person, and very kind person, rooting for him.  We all need good people in our corner and I’m happy to report they’re out there looking to be found.

Have a great rest of your Sunday!

Published inGrowth
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